In this approach, we model our entities and database context along with Entity Type Configuration. Then either using Migrations or DB Initializer, we create the database.
Language : C#
.Net Version : >=6.0
- Visual Studio IDE
- Microsoft SQL Server
- Azure Data Studio / SQL Server Management Studio (SSMS) / SSDT for Visual Studio
- Database with tables:
- Departments (Departments data like Name, IsActive)
- Employees (Employee data like Name, Email, Phone, DepartmentId, IsActive)
- Skills (Skills data like Name, IsActive)
- EmployeeSkills (Relation Mapping between Employee and Skill)
- Each Employee belongs to a department and can have multiple skills.
MVC Sample - DotNet MVC Entity Framework Core
Razor Pages Sample - DotNet Razor Pages Entity Framework Core
.Net Core MVC
.Net Core Razor Pages
EFCore - Get Started
EFCore - MVC
EF Core - Razor Pages
EF Core - Fluent API
EF Core - Modeling