This project contains just the receiving part of a sykmelding2013 message
- Kotlin
- Ktor
- Gradle
- Junit
- Jackson
- MQ
- Kafka
- JDK 21
Make sure you have the Java JDK 21 installed You can check which version you have installed using this command:
java -version
This the high level flow of the application
graph LR
EPJ --- eMottak
eMottak --- id1([SYFOSMMOTTAK.INPUT])
id1([MQ queue: SYFOSMMOTTAK.INPUT]) --> syfosmmottak
syfosmmottak --> B[\teamsykmelding.sykmelding-apprec/]
syfosmmottak --> id2([SYFOSMMOTTAK.INPUT_BOQ])
syfosmmottak <--> id3[(Database)]
syfosmmottak --- Azure-AD
syfosmmottak --- PDL
syfosmmottak --- smtss
syfosmmottak --- eMottak-subscription
syfosmmottak --- syfohelsenettproxy
syfosmmottak --- GCP-Bucket
syfosmmottak --- syfosmregler
syfosmmottak --- C[\teamsykmelding.ok-sykmelding/]
syfosmmottak --- D[\teamsykmelding.manuell-behandling-sykmelding/]
syfosmmottak --- E[\teamsykmelding.avvist-sykmelding/]
syfosmmottak --- F[\teamsykmelding.sykmelding-behandlingsutfall/]
syfosmmottak --- G[\teamsykmelding.sykmelding-manuell/]
syfosmmottak --- H[\teamsykmelding.oppgave-produser-oppgave/];
./gradlew run
Note There are probably many services and environment variables that need to be set up, for the application to work properly.
To build locally and run the integration tests you can simply run
./gradlew shadowJar
or on windows
gradlew.bat shadowJar
Find the newest version of gradle here: Then run this command:
./gradlew wrapper --gradle-version $gradleVersjon
This project is maintained by navikt/teamsykmelding
Questions and/or feature requests? Please create an issue
If you work in @navikt you can reach us at the Slack channel #team-sykmelding