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Github maven Actions spesialisert for team bidrag

Continuous integration

Hovedregel for design:

Alt blir utført av bash-scripter slik at det enkelt kan testes på reell kodebase uten å måtte bygge med github.

Man må også sette miljøvariabel for autentisering, eks: GITHUB_TOKEN

Det er lagt inn en workflow for å bygge alle actions med npm og ncc. Derfor er det bare filene /<action>/index.js og /<action>/<bash>.sh som skal endres når man skal forandre logikk i "action".

Relase log

Versjon Endringstype Beskrivelse
v7.0.5 Endret setup upgrade @actions/core and @actions/exec
v7.0.4 Endret setup upgrade @actions/core from 1.5.0 to 1.6.0
v7.0.3 Endret verify-dependencies upgrade @actions/core from 1.5.0 to 1.6.0
v7.0.2 Endret fixes
v7.0.1 Endret verify-dependencies sjekker om maven bygg er vellykket. Denne outputen blir ikke vist
v7.0.0 Slettet cucumber-backend og bump av actions/xoew i bygg av andre actions
v6.1.0 Endret cucumber-backend: bruker cucumber.options som program argument (ikke cucumber.filter.tags) for å ignorere tags
v5.2.0 Endret cucumber-backend: cucumber script will always send pip authentication
v5.1.0 Endret cucumber-backend: removed hard coding of NAIS_PROJECT_FOLDER, can be specified - defaults to apps
v5.0.0 Endret cucumber-backend: environment is main or feature (the configurations of these determine namespace)
v4.0.0 Endret setup: dynamic configuration using repositories as input argument
v3.0.1 Endret cucumber-backend: streamlined for cucumber-testing of simple repository and use of navikt/bidrag-integration/cucumber-clone
v3.0.0 Endret cucumber-backend: run cucumber without cloning and with nais configuration
v2.1.2 Endret verify-dependencies: new action core and run from sub directory
v2.1.1 Endret cucumber-backend: new action core and fix of echo statement
v2.1.0 Endret cucumber-backend: run from workspace true/false
v2.0.0 Endret cucumber-backend: run test without tag and add optional maven command after first run
v1.0.5 Endret la til credentials i settings.xml for github-package-registry-navikt
v1.0.4 Endret fjernet maven prefiks i action mapper
v1.0.3 Endret cucumber-backend: will mirror feature-branch name when testing in namespace q1
v1.0.2 Endret verify-dependencies: ommit " when doing logging with the echo command
v1.0.1 Endret cucumber-backend: fix use of optional input "pip_user"
v1 new release cycle cucumber-backend: nye inputs (se action.yaml), samt feature branch for cucumber