The course is taught in spanish at the degree of Electronic Engineering (University of Zaragoza). The syllabus is presented below:
The course is organized in the following 6 topics:
Parte 1: Termodinámica técnica
- Tema 1: Fundamentos de termodinámica
- Tema 2: Primer principio en sistemas cerrados
- Tema 3: Propiedades termodinámicas
- Tema 4: Primer principio en sistemas abiertos
- Tema 5: Segundo principio y ciclos termodinámicos
Parte 2: Fundamentos de transmisión de calor
- Tema 6: Fundamentos de la conducción de calor
- Tema 7: Aletas de refrigeración
- Tema 8: Conducción transitoria
- Tema 9: Convección del calor
During the course, the students will complete 5 laboratory sessions:
- LAB1: Computing thermodynamic processes using Python and Pyromat
- LAB2: Introduction to the Finite Difference Method for heat transfer
- LAB3: Experimental study of the dissipation of heat in a bar
- LAB4: Numerical study of the dissipation of heat in a bar
I have created Jupyter Notebooks to serve as interactive teaching materials, both during classes and for the students to work at home. Here is an example below: