office door sensor- power monitoring - fix battery
- power shouldn't set a persistant value
Shed door contact reporting
- Home Assistant
- remove old install and boot files
- fix up ansible
- AAISP MQTT service
- docker hub
- travis
- coveralls
- scruitinizer
- Home phones
- docker hub
- coveralls
- scruitinizer
- Logstash
- publish to dockerhub
- All outdoor lights switch off at 10pm, switch to override
Switch on shed inside light when the door opens- Notify if the workshop or shed doors are open after 9pm source
- Notify if any doors are open for over 10 minutes source
Barn Christmas lights should turn on automatically between mid November and Jan 6th each nightcommit (still need to add dates)
add home slack to our phonesnotify on incoming and outgoing calls to slacknotify when workshop doors open and closenotify when shed doors open and close- include cctv captures in workshop and shed slack messages
- Alerting if outdoor doors open at night
- Post CCTV GIFs to slack when doors open
Clean up default_view
New integrations:
- send all MQTT messages to logstash, tag appropriately
- UPS power events from logstash should trigger MQTT event to be sent
- Current transformers on all henley blocks - using OpenEnergyMonitor circuit with AT328 + ESP8266-201
- Track locations of both vehicles
- Send ODB2 data from cars to MQTT (HA+Munin)
- Downstream internet current usage for neighbors (SNMP from Edgerouter-X)
- New daemon to archive CCTV JPEGs for timelapse to remote object store
- Graphing DIN ammeters in shed and barn (need pulse counting)
- MQTT temperature and humidity munin plugin (from roomsensors)
CurrentCost to MQTT via ESPcommit esp8266-201 sketchHoneywell evohomecommitWrite a daemon to grab AAISP quota + sync rates and send it to MQTTsee: aaisp-to-mqttDisplay current down/upstream usage in mbit for each FTTC linecommit