We are creating an open-source (license TBD) map/database for all the innovation spaces everywhere! This Atlas will merge existing lists of community innovation spaces from disparate maps onto a single, open-source platform— with an API so our data can be easily shared across other platforms. A tagging system will enable all spaces to share goals and find collaborators across interests such as electronic waste, prosthetics, 3D printing, primary education, green materials, water purification, etc.
We have three primary criteria for including a given “community innovation space” on our map:
Community: a physical space or event that is eager to collaborate with others-- it must be either open to the public or available for outside partnerships
Technology: utilizes old and/or new technology, including hardware, software, metal-working, handicrafts, repurposed trash, farming, etc.
Innovation: promotes creativity and nurtures new ideas
From July through September 2016, our team will develop, test, and then implement the platform to collaboratively host all these spaces.
General details:
- Visual map (split into two maps) of all spaces and events: http://anansegroup.com/mapping.html
- Simple visual map of all spaces and events: http://anansegroup.github.io/ananse-map/
- Slide-deck with more info about our project: http://www.slideshare.net/annawaldmanbrown/atlas-of-innovation-spaces
- Our team: http://anansegroup.com
COLLABORATE NOW by commenting on our Googledocs:
- Public discussion on finalising datafields and categories: https://docs.google.com/document/d/10Wf1tkOUpkQf6ThKb4MthUGpxysGuiJV1TC93S9abS4/edit
- Spreadsheet of all the databases which may need to be scraped for inclusion (after getting permissions): https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1Z4Opn2YqGe0LJi1Lm81ENDlVsAQI4G02gKLal-AMD2Y/edit#gid=1943753202
- Data verification and partnerships FAQ: https://docs.google.com/document/d/1muYpQHuWQYnOJVYOq8Yob7ZjMA3Nu_9sKk876XM5IEs/edit
- If you have strong opinions about database architecture, please email us at anansegroup@gmail.com
This is an open source and not-for-profit initiative sponsored by Deutsche Gesellschaft für Internationale Zusammenarbeit (GIZ) GmbH, the Fab Foundation, and the American Society of Mechanical Engineers (ASME).
- Our primary partners are the Open Movement: http://open.co
- We're working with rrbaker's Maker.json repo: https://github.com/rrbaker/maker.json
- Many thanks to the awesome APIs from Makery and Fablabs.io !
- Our other mapping partners include Global Innovation Gathering (GIG), Maker Media, World Bank, hackerspaces.org, Hacedores, Bongohive, Superhero Spaces, and others
Prospective Collaborators:
- SpaceAPI: https://github.com/slopjong/OpenSpaceDirectory
- Python library for makerspaces: https://github.com/openp2pdesign/PyMakerspaces
- The Maker Map: https://github.com/hwstartup/TheMakerMap.com
- https://github.com/codeisland/makermap
To join us, please email our team at anansegroup@gmail.com