This tool will back up your games, and save files from your playdate to your computer, and tar them up.
Download the right script for your system.
Mac users, download the file.
Linux users who's disks mount at
, download the file. -
Linux users who's disks mount at
, download the file.
Connect your Playdate in Data Disk Mode to your computer.
- You can do this by going to Settings -> System -> Reboot to Data Disk -> OK on your Playdate
Run the script
and choose if you want to back up just your saves, or games, or both.
The default output is a zip file, if you want a tar.gz, run ./ -t
Make sure your Playdate is in Data Disk Mode
- You can do this by going to Settings -> System -> Reboot to Data Disk -> OK on your Playdate
If your Playdate is mounted to your computer, and you are getting "Please connect your Playdate in data disk mode", edit the folder variable in the script, to be the root of your Playdate.