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{% hint style="info" %} Purge Commands ignore pinned messages. {% endhint %}

{% hint style="warning" %} Locking down a channel denies the @everyone role 'send messages' as an override in the specified channel. Any roles explicitly granting send messages will override this for anyone with that role. Locking down the server removes 'send messages' from the @everyone role. You set up your server correctly by removing send messages from all non-mod roles. {% endhint %}

Name Example Usage
ban <@member/ID> [days=2] [reason] !ban 102130103012 raiding Bans the member from the server. This works even if the member isn't on the server. If you supply a reason, it will show up in the modlogs and in discord's built in audit log. Days refer to the amount of days to purge messages from them.
muterole <role> !muterole kids table Selects a role to use for the mute command
muterole create [name='muted'] !muterole create shhh Creates a new role, adds the role as a channel override with "send messages" turned off for all text channels and sets it as the server's muterole.
muterole update Updates the channel overwrites for the currently chosen muterole in any channels that miss them
mute <@member> [time [reason]] !mute @Carl#0001 20h45m spamming Mutes a member (using the muterole, read above) for the specified time. If no time is given, it will mute indefinitely. If a reason is given, it shows up in the mod logs.
unmute <@member> !unmute @Carl#0001 Unmutes a member
kick <@member> [reason] !kick @Carl#0001 racism Kicks a member. Reason shows up in the modlogs and in audit logs
softban <@member> [days=2][reason] !softban @Carl#0001 go away Bans and immediately unbans a member to clear 48 hours of message history.
tempban <@user> [days=2][reason] !tempban @Carl#0001 20h big ugly Bans a user for the specified duration regardless if they're on the server or not.
massban [days=2]<@members...> !massban 123124151241 @Carl#0001 12152252634 123123901231 Bans more than one person, each ban shows up in the modlog.
warn <@member> [reason] !warn @Carl#0001 do not spam reactions Warns a user, pms them the reason and posts it to the modlog.
removewarn <case_id> !removewarn 17 Removes a warning by its case id.
clearwarn <@member> !clearwarn @Carl#0001 Removes all warnings from a user.
purge [count=100] !purge 200 Purges the last howmany messages.
purge bot [count=100] !purge bot ? 20 Purges the bot messages (and messages with the specified prefix) from the last howmany messages.
purge contains [count=100] !purge contains thanos Purges messages containing the substring
purge user [count=100] !purge user @Carl#0001 20 Purges messages from the user
purge all [count=100] !purge all 13 Purges the last howmany messages
purge embeds [count=100] !purge embeds 12 Purges the last howmany messages with embeds
purge emoji [count=100] !purge emoji Purges the last howmany messages containing custom emoji
purge files [count=100] !purge files Purges messages with attachments
purge images [count=100] !purge images Purges messages with attachments or embeds
purge links [count=100] !purge links Purges messages with links
purge reactions [count=100] !purge reactions Purges reactions from messages
cleanup [count=100] -- Sort of like !purge bot except just for carlbot and works for all prefixes
lockdown <#channel> <duration> !lockdown #general 20m Locks the specified channel (or the one the command is used in if none is specified) for [duration] if specified else forever.
unlockdown <#channel> !unlockdown #general Undoes what !lockdown does.
lockdown server <duration> !lockdown server 20m Locks all channels in the server.
unlockdown server !unlockdown server Undoes what !lockdown server ****does.