- Semi-groups
- Monoids
- Functors
- Function Modeling
- Reader Monad
- Endo Functor
- contramap
- Mondad Transformers
- Free Monad
- Lenses
- closed = working on certain data type that doesn't change
- associative
- identity
- semigroup = associative and closed
- monoid = semigroup with identity
- functor: semigroup that applies a function inside without changing the structure of the type
- Reader Monad
- Endo Functor
- contramap
- Mondad Transformers
- Free Monad
- Lenses
- Monoid
- foldMap
- Monad
- GitHub - FrontendMasters/hardcore-functional-architecture
- Introduction · mostly-adequate-guide
- Learn functional programming patterns to architect real-world JavaScript programs with Brian Lonsdorf.
- GitHub - stoeffel/awesome-fp-js: A curated list of awesome functional programming stuff in js
- GitHub - fantasyland/fantasy-land: Specification for interoperability of common algebraic structures in JavaScript