This toolkit provides:
- Image segmentation
- Five CNN architectures
- Thirteen encoders with pre-trained weights
- Augmentation
- Cell counter
- Cell tracking
- No coding required
# Create a static library of augmented images
> python -imf images -msf masks -a 4 -imfn train_images -mskfn train_masks -s 768 -gs True
# Train the model with the augmented and original images. The UNet++ architecture and inceptionv4 encoder resulted in the most accurate segmentation according to our tests.
> python -e 200 -b 4 -cp Segmentation_test/ -fn train_images/ -mf train_masks/ -en resnet18 -wt imagenet -a unetplusplus
# Monitor the training using Tensorboard
> python tensorboard --logdir=Segmentation_test
# Use predict lapse to determine which epoch produced the best results
> python -f Segmentation_test -n test_folder -en resnet18 -wt imagenet -a unetplusplus
# Make predictions using the trained model
> python -m Segmentation_test/CP_epoch11.pth -i images/ -t 0.1 -en resnet18 -wt imagenet -a unetplusplus
# Move the predictions from the source folder to a new folder (e.g., predictions)
> python -f predictions
This package uses the Segmentation Models Pytorch package to provide a wide range of CNN architectures and encoders for image segmentation.
- Unet
- UnetPlusPlus
- MAnet
- Linknet
- See full list of encoders on Segmentation Models Pytorch
After segmentation, this package uses the Trackpy package for cell counting and tracking. When is run, the program displays the centroids of a sample image, the total movement of each cell, prints the mean number of cells per frame, the total number of tracks, the mean track distance, and returns a Pandas data structure with raw data on every frame.
> python -h
usage: [-h] [--image-folder IMAGE_FOLDER]
[--mask-folder MASK_FOLDER] [--aug-size AUG_SIZE]
[--im-folder-nm IM_FOLDER_NM]
[--msk-folder-nm MSK_FOLDER_NM] [--scale SCALE]
Create a new augmented dataset
optional arguments:
-h, --help show this help message and exit
--image-folder IMAGE_FOLDER, -imf IMAGE_FOLDER
Path to image folder (default: None)
--mask-folder MASK_FOLDER, -msf MASK_FOLDER
Path to mask folder (default: None)
--aug-size AUG_SIZE, -a AUG_SIZE
How many times to augment the original image folder
(default: None)
--im-folder-nm IM_FOLDER_NM, -imfn IM_FOLDER_NM
Name for new augmented image folder (default: None)
--msk-folder-nm MSK_FOLDER_NM, -mskfn MSK_FOLDER_NM
Name for new augmented mask folder (default: None)
--scale SCALE, -s SCALE
Dimension to scale ass the images (default: 768)
--grayscale, -gs Make all the augmented images grayscale (default:
> python -h
usage: [-h] [-e E] [-b [B]] [-l [LR]] [-f LOAD] [-s SCALE] [-v VAL] [--classes CLASSES] [--in-channels IN_CHANNELS] [--device DEVICE]
[-cp CHECKPOINT] [-fn FILE] [-en ENCODER] [-wt WEIGHT]
Train the UNet on images and target masks
optional arguments:
-h, --help show this help message and exit
-e E, --epochs E Number of epochs (default: 5)
-b [B], --batch-size [B]
Batch size (default: 1)
-l [LR], --learning-rate [LR]
Learning rate (default: 0.0001)
-f LOAD, --load LOAD Load model from a .pth file (default: False)
-s SCALE, --scale SCALE
Downscaling factor of the images (default: 0.5)
-v VAL, --validation VAL
Percent of the data that is used as validation (0-100) (default: 10.0)
--classes CLASSES, -c CLASSES
Model output channels (default: 1)
--in-channels IN_CHANNELS, -ic IN_CHANNELS
Model input channels (default: 1)
--device DEVICE, -d DEVICE
Select device (default: cuda:0)
Name folder for checkpoints (default: checkpoints/)
-fn FILE, --file FILE
Name folder for images (default: None)
-en ENCODER, --encoder ENCODER
Name of encoder (default: resnet34)
-wt WEIGHT, --weight WEIGHT
Encoder weights (default: None)
> python
usage: [-h] --folder FOLDER [-en ENCODER] [-wt WEIGHT] [-a ARCHITECTURE] --input INPUT [INPUT ...] [-n NAME] error: the following arguments are required: --folder/-f, --input/-i
nathanburg@Nathans-MBP CNN-Architecture-Comparison- % python3 -h
usage: [-h] --folder FOLDER [-en ENCODER] [-wt WEIGHT] [-a ARCHITECTURE] --input INPUT [INPUT ...] [-n NAME]
Visualize predictions at each epoch
optional arguments:
-h, --help show this help message and exit
--folder FOLDER, -f FOLDER
path to model folder (default: None)
-en ENCODER, --encoder ENCODER
Name of encoder (default: resnet34)
-wt WEIGHT, --weight WEIGHT
Encoder weights (default: None)
Name of architecture (default: None)
--input INPUT [INPUT ...], -i INPUT [INPUT ...]
filenames of input images (default: None)
-n NAME, --name NAME Name for image folder (default: None)
> python -h
usage: [-h] [--model FILE] --input INPUT [INPUT ...] [--output INPUT [INPUT ...]] [--viz] [--no-save] [--mask-threshold MASK_THRESHOLD]
[--scale SCALE] [--classes CLASSES] [--in-channels IN_CHANNELS] [--device DEVICE] [-en ENCODER] [-wt WEIGHT] [-a ARCHITECTURE]
Predict masks from input images
optional arguments:
-h, --help show this help message and exit
--model FILE, -m FILE
Specify the file in which the model is stored (default: MODEL.pth)
--input INPUT [INPUT ...], -i INPUT [INPUT ...]
filenames of input images (default: None)
--output INPUT [INPUT ...], -o INPUT [INPUT ...]
Filenames of ouput images (default: None)
--viz, -v Visualize the images as they are processed (default: False)
--no-save, -n Do not save the output masks (default: False)
Minimum probability value to consider a mask pixel white (default: None)
--scale SCALE, -s SCALE
Scale factor for the input images (default: 0.5)
--classes CLASSES, -c CLASSES
Model output channels (default: 1)
--in-channels IN_CHANNELS, -ic IN_CHANNELS
Model input channels (default: 1)
--device DEVICE, -d DEVICE
Select device (default: cuda:0)
-en ENCODER, --encoder ENCODER
Name of encoder (default: resnet34)
-wt WEIGHT, --weight WEIGHT
Encoder weights (default: None)
Name of architecture (default: None)
> python -h
usage: [-h] --folder FOLDER
Count and track cells
optional arguments:
-h, --help show this help message and exit
--folder FOLDER, -f FOLDER
path to image folder (default: None)
Create a folder called Time_Lapse_Microscopy_Toolkit.
$ git clone Time_Lapse_Microscopy_Toolkit
$ pip3 install -r /path/to/Time_Lapse_Microscopy_Toolkit/requirements.txt