Open MCT version 1.4.0
Debounce requests to objectApi.get()
Add Timeline plugin to hulk deployment
Allow user to select and apply font size and family as a style option
[Display Layout] User should be able to set outer dimensions
[Display Layout] User should be able to toggle grid lines
[Tree] Simplified tree implementation
Bug fixes:
[Notebook] Annotation tools are partially obscured
[Search] Objects in search tree do not have same functionality as objects in navigation tree
[Notebook] Creating new entries now works
[Fixed Position] Provide default position for telemetry points
[Telemetry Tables] Should display total number of rows and marked rows
Flexible Layouts don't allow usage of Imagery brightness and contrast controls
[Display Layout]Telemetry Graphs on display layout are not visible
[Navigation Tree] Duplicate ancestors showing in the tree
[Tables] Object names should appear in tables
Example Imagery styles not applied as expected
Web Page objects cannot be created