We provide an example to train a Conv model with Pytorch and convert to Tensorflow Lite (Micro) and then deploy it on ESP32-S3-DevKitC-1-N8R8.
You can play the notebook
in Google Colab.
You may see model.h
and data.h
in your colab folder after running the notebook. Please put them in esp32/main.
Please go to esp32 to get more details. You need to install ESP-IDF
There is a gap between deep models and resource-limited devices. From Kb-level microcontroller to powerful Edge devices with hardware accelerator, the on-board resource varies. It requires model compression and lightweight model designs.
We take the deployment of a simple CNN model on ESP32
as an example. We implement a tiny CNN model with Pytorch
and train it on MNIST for epochs, and then convert it to
ONNX and then take onnx2tf
to perform conversion
and full-integer quantization. The well-quantized model
is exported to a .CC
model file.
To deploy TFlite model to ESP32, we implement an inference
program for ESP32-S3 and flash it into board with