This is an online donation website in which people can donate there things not in use any more to those who need it.
Hosted at URL:
Contain List of product donated by donar
Contain information about our puropse, motivation, and general information about the creater
Registerd user can signin and others can register
The needy can see product details review and rate the product on clicking on it and add them to cart
On clicking on proceeding to checkout user have to fill his information, accept terms and contidition and the confirm request
The person who has requested thing can see the requwst history and also its status that the request is accepted or not and view details about the request.
Donar have seperate view page
Donar can donate products
Donar can see all the donations they made along with their current status
Contain List of request made by the needy and can accept or reject the request according to his wish.
Admin can see all donation and products, has all names of users and can give and take rights of admin and donar from people.
Redux have been used to monitor every move