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Lambdas which trigger ECR vulnerability scan and sends reports to multiple selected destinations

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Getting started

The serverless deployment has two AWS Lambda functions:

  • ecr-scan-lambda for enabling ScanOnPush parameter on each repository and triggering scans (There is a one scan / image / day limit by AWS)
  • ecr-report-lambda for sending cumulated vulnerablity report to selected destinations

Both functions are triggered by Cloudwatch events. Can be configured via serverless.yml


  1. It is considered to be a best practice to push a container image to a repository with multiple tags. Tags could be:
    1. The semantic version of the release, or a commit hash (use this to deploy your application)
    2. A "static" tag which always points to the latest image e.g.: latest (use this for vulnerability scans)
  2. It is recommended to set the IMAGE_TAG environment variable to your "static" tag.
  3. See the list of available environment variables for the functions
  4. Install Serverless framework on your local machine
  5. Use serverless.yml to deploy functions to your AWS environment (or integrate it to your CI/CD pipeline)

In order to work properly, the functions need the following AWS policies:

- Effect: "Allow"
    - ecr:GetAuthorizationToken
    - ecr:DescribeRepositories
    - ecr:ListImages
    - ecr:DescribeImages
    - ecr:DescribeImageScanFindings
    - ecr:StartImageScan
    - ecr:PutImageScanningConfiguration
    - logs:PutLogEvents
    - logs:CreateLogGroup
    - logs:CreateLogStream
  Resource: "*"
  # Only if SNS exporter is used
- Effect: "Allow"
    - sns:Publish
  Resources: "arn:aws:sns:${env:AWS_REGION}:*:${opt:sns-topic}"

The proper role and policies are created by the serverless framework during deployment.

How to compile code

  1. compile:
    1. make build GOOS flag will be set dinamically (darwin or linux). e.g.: running command on osx will build osx executable.
    2. make build-linux GOOS target will be linux, appropriate for Lambda
  2. test: make test
  3. lint: make lint
NOTE: make build compiles both functions.

How to deploy functions

Deploy with minimum configuration:

$ make build-linux
$ AWS_REGION=us-east-1 serverless deploy --stage production
NOTE: the Serverless framework will create a Cloudformation deployment.

Deploy without bulding the project

  • Install Serverless framework on your local machine
  • Navigate to the latest release and download
  • Unzip and place the two binaries in a directory called bin
├── bin/
│   ├── report-linux
│   └── scan-linux
└── serverless.yml

Then run:

$ AWS_REGION=us-east-1 serverless deploy --stage production


There are multiple exporters ecr-report-lambda can work with. If there is not a suitable one already, feel free to contribute one by implementing the exporter interface!

To enable any exporter, set EXPORTERS environment variable (see section)


The default exporter to use is Log. The exporter does nothing else but prints the vulnerability report to stdout so it appears in logs. It is just an example implementation of the exporter interface and also comes handy when debugging.


Reports can be sent via Mailgun to arbitrary recipients in the same plaintext format that Log exporter uses. Configure exporter by sertting MAILGUN_API_KEY, MAILGUN_FROM and MAILGUN_RECIPIENTS environment variables.


Post vulnerability reports to a selected Slack channel with Slack exporter.

Get a Slack application token

  • Create a new Application (bot)
  • Choose the channel the bot will post messages to
  • Set oauth scope channel:write (you may have to redeploy the application to the workspace)
  • Grab the Bot Oauth Access Token
  • Set the SLACK_TOKEN and SLACK_CHANNEL environment variables
  • Invite the bot to the selected slack channel (@BotName, then Invite Bot)


SNS exporter enables sending vulnerability reports to an arbitrary sns topic. Start using the exporter by setting the SNS_TOPIC_ARN environment variable.

To deploy function using SNS, uncomment the sns role in serverless.yml under roleStatements key and run:

AWS_REGION=us-east-1 serverless deploy --stage production --sns-topic <TOPIC_NAME>

Environment variables

For ecr-scan-lambda

  • ENV - Lambda function environment, Required
  • REGION - AWS region where the function is executed, Required
  • ECR_ID - Override the default ECR registry belonging to the account Optional (Default: ``)
  • IMAGE_TAG - Override the container image tag being scanned Optional (Default: latest)
  • LOG_LEVEL - Function log level Optional (Default: INFO)
  • NUM_WORKERS - Number of goroutines spawned Optional (Default: 2)

For ecr-report-lambda

  • ENV - Lambda function environment, Required
  • REGION - AWS region where the function is executed, Required
  • ECR_ID - Override the default ECR registry belonging to the account Optional (Default: ``)
  • EXPORTERS - Comma separated, smallcaps list of exporters to enable Optional (Default: log), Example: logs,mailgun,slack
  • IMAGE_TAG - Override the container image tag being scanned Optional (Default: latest)
  • LOG_LEVEL - Function log level Optional (Default: INFO)
  • NUM_WORKERS - Number of goroutines spawned Optional (Default: 2)
  • MAILGUN_API_KEY - Mailgun API KEY (Only relevant when Mailgun is enabled via EXPORTERS)
  • MAILGUN_FROM - Mailgun sender email address (Only relevant when Mailgun is enabled via EXPORTERS)
  • MAILGUN_RECIPIENTS - Comma separated list of email addresses to send report to (Only relevant when Mailgun is enabled via EXPORTERS), Example:,
  • MINIMUM_SEVERITY - The minimum severity level which should be reported Optional (Default: CRITICAL)
  • SLACK_TOKEN - Slack API Token (Only relevant when Slack is enabled via EXPORTERS)
  • SLACK_CHANNEL - Slack channel name to report to (with # prefix) (Only relevant when Slack is enabled via EXPORTERS), Example: #ecr-scan
  • SNS_TOPIC_ARN - SNS topic to publish report to. (Only relevant when SNS is enabled via EXPORTERS)


alt text


According to dashbird calculator, the default deployment will cost virtually nothing.

Improvement ideas

  • Mocks and some tests could be definitely improved. More tests should be added.
  • Format Mailgun (or any email exporter) message as HTML


If stumble upon errors or just need a feature request, please open an issue. PRs are welcome.