For a reference to the MIPS Instruction Set, you can refer to MIPS INSTRUCTION SET.pdf.
The detailed, full questions of each lab are included in the files.
Run MIPS program's here: WEBSITE - UPLOAD FILE AND RUN. Credit to Shawn Zhong for the compiler (website).
- Q1: Program to add two numbers
- Q2: Program to calculate sum of first n numbers and display to console
- Q3: Program to take n input and calculate its factorial
- Q4: Program to read a string and display to console
- Q1: To read a number N from input and find if the number is odd or even. Display the result to the user.
- Q2: Program to find sum of digits of n input
- Q3: Program to evaluate given arithmetic expression
- Q1: Program to iterate through an array and display its contents
- Q2: Program to implement linear search
- Q3: Program to take two arrays, add their elements and store in third array
- Q1: Program to find largest and smallest elements in an array and display to console
- Q2: Program to add elements of an array and display sum to console
- Q3: Sum the even numbers and odd numbers in a word array A and display the result to the user
- Q1: Program to find length of string in memory and display to console
- Q2: Program to reverse a string and display to memory
- Q3: Program to check whether given string is a palindrome or not
- Q4: Program to concatenate two given strings and display result
- Q1: Program to add, subtract, multiply and divide two numbers using procedures
- Q2: Program to implement linear search using procedures
- Q3: Program to print Fibonacci series using procedures
- Q1: Program to implement binary search recursively
- Q2: Program to find power of a number using recursion
- Q3: Program to calculate sum of first n natural numbers using recursion
- Q1: Program to print float and double variables in memory
- Q2: Program to take input of float and double values and print
- Q3: Program to take radius input and calculate area of circle and display in single precision floating-point
- Q4: Program to convert Fahrenheit to Celsius using double precision floating-point values
- Q5: Program to calculate ax^2+bx+c with user-input x in single precision floating-point
- Q6: Find the sum of an array of single precision floating point values stored in memory
- Q1: Program to add two complex numbers represented using single precision floating-point values
- Q2: Compute the average of a list of 5 integer numbers stored in memory and print the result to the user
- Q3: Program to compare two floating-point numbers
- Q4: Program to input electricity units used and calculate total bill