Group Members: EJ Lilagan, Kyrstn Hall, My Dang, Yasameen Murad
Languages used: HTML, CSS, JavaScript, PHP, mySQL
In Progress
Pictures of products are provided on the homepage, and user is able to access these pages when clicking on it.
Includes shirts, hoodies, tanktops, longsleeves, and sweatpants, etc. When user hover overs the product, it changes to a different color. User can add item to cart.
Provides questions and answers regarding our products.
Pictures of team members, with a more thorough overview of FitRat
Shows products user has added to their cart, along with the total. User is able to remove from the cart. The user is also prompted to enter their personal information for their order to go through. User must have existing email or form will not be submitted. This information is all stored in our database.
User is able to register/create a new account. User cannot create an account if the username or email already exists. When user logs in successfully, user is taken to their account, which shows their username.