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naemazam authored Apr 4, 2024
1 parent c192511 commit 64ef18d
Showing 1 changed file with 195 additions and 0 deletions.
195 changes: 195 additions & 0 deletions
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -0,0 +1,195 @@
import ipaddress
import argparse
from os import system
from typing import Tuple

# Create the parser
parser = argparse.ArgumentParser(description='SubnetWizard')

# Add the arguments
ip_help = "The IPv4 address to calculate\nExample: or\nSupports both CIDR and Subnet Mask after the slash"
parser.add_argument('-i', dest='ip', type=str, help=ip_help)
subnet_help = "The netmask to subnet (optional)\nExample: or /24"
parser.add_argument('-s', dest='subnet', type=str, help=subnet_help)

def display_logo() -> None:
print("\033[H\033[2J\033[1m\033[36m ")
print(" ( ")
print(" )\ ) ) ) ( ")
print("(()/( ( ( /( ( ( /( ( ( ( ) ( )\ ) ")
print(" /(_)) ))\ )\()) ( ))\ )\()) )\))( )\ ( ( /( )( (()/( ")
print("(_)) /((_) ((_)\ )\ ) /((_) (_))/ ((_)()\ ((_) )\ )(_)) (()\ ((_)) ")
print(" / __| (_))( | |(_) _(_/( (_)) | |_ _(()((_) (_) ((_) ((_)_ ((_) _| | ")
print(" \__ \ | || | | '_ \ | ' \)) / -_) | _| \ V V / | | |_ / / _` | | '_| / _` | ")
print(" |___/ \_,_| |_.__/ |_||_| \___| \__| \_/\_/ |_| /__| \__,_| |_| \__,_| ")
print("\033[0m", end="")

def get_network(ip: str = None) -> Tuple[ipaddress.IPv4Network, str]:

# Get an IPv4 address from the user.
if ip:
if ip.count("/") == 0: ip += "/24"
net = ipaddress.IPv4Network(ip, strict=False)
ip = ip.split("/")[0]
return (net, ip)
except ValueError:
print("\n\033[36m[\033[31m!\033[36m]\033[0m Invalid IP Address!\n")
while True:
in_ = input("\033[36m[\033[31m?\033[36m]\033[0m Enter an IP Address ( \033[36m")
if in_ == "": in_ = ""
if in_.count("/") == 0: in_ += "/24"
net = ipaddress.IPv4Network(in_, strict=False)
ip = in_.split("/")[0]
return (net, ip)
except ValueError:
print("\n\033[36m[\033[31m!\033[36m]\033[0m Invalid IP Address!\n")

def get_subnet(subnet: str = None) -> str:

# Get a netmask from the user to subnet given network.

if subnet:
if subnet == "0":
print("\n\033[36m[\033[31m!\033[36m]\033[0m Invalid Netmask!\n")
net = ipaddress.IPv4Network(f"{subnet}", strict=False)
return net.prefixlen
except ValueError:
print("\n\033[36m[\033[31m!\033[36m]\033[0m Invalid Netmask!\n")
while True:
in_ = input("\033[36m[\033[31m?\033[36m]\033[0m Enter a Netmask to subnet (optional): \033[36m")
if in_ == "0":
print("\n\033[36m[\033[31m!\033[36m]\033[0m Invalid Netmask!\n")
if in_ == "": return None
net = ipaddress.IPv4Network(f"{in_.strip('/')}", strict=False)
return net.prefixlen
except ValueError:
print("\n\033[36m[\033[31m!\033[36m]\033[0m Invalid Netmask!\n")

def calculate(network: Tuple[ipaddress.IPv4Network, str], subnet: str) -> None:

# Calculate the network and other information.

ip = network[1]
network = network[0]

# Get the network and broadcast addresses
network_address = network.network_address
broadcast_address = network.broadcast_address
usable_hosts = list(network.hosts())

# Calculate the number of usable hosts
num_usable_hosts = len(usable_hosts)

# Format the usable hosts
usable_hosts = f"{usable_hosts[0]} - {usable_hosts[-1]}" if usable_hosts[0] != usable_hosts[-1] else "NA"

# Convert the IP address to binary
octets = str(ip).split('.')
binary_octets = [bin(int(octet))[2:].zfill(8) for octet in octets]
bin_ip = '.'.join(binary_octets)

bin_addr = str(bin(int(network_address))[2:].zfill(32))
bin_addr = '.'.join([bin_addr[i:i+8] for i in range(0, len(bin_addr), 8)])

bin_mask = str(bin(int(network.netmask))[2:].zfill(32))
bin_mask = '.'.join([bin_mask[i:i+8] for i in range(0, len(bin_mask), 8)])

# Print the results
print(f"\033[0mIP Address: \033[36m{ip}")
print(f"\033[0mIP Address (bin): \033[36m{bin_ip}")
print(f"\033[0mNetwork Address: \033[36m{network_address}")
print(f"\033[0mNetwork Address (bin): \033[36m{bin_addr}")
print(f"\033[0mNetmask: \033[36m{network.netmask}")
print(f"\033[0mNetmask (bin): \033[36m{bin_mask}")
print(f"\033[0mCIDR Notation: \033[36m/{network.prefixlen}")
print(f"\033[0mBroadcast Address: \033[36m{broadcast_address}")
print(f"\033[0mUsable IP Range: \033[36m{usable_hosts}")
print(f"\033[0mNumber of Hosts: \033[36m{network.num_addresses:,d}")
print(f"\033[0mNumber of Usable Hosts: \033[36m{num_usable_hosts:,d}")
print(f"\033[0mWildcard Mask: \033[36m{network.hostmask}")
print(f"\033[0mPrivate IP: \033[36m{network.is_private}")

# Display subnets if present
if subnet is None or int(subnet) == int(network.prefixlen):

# if CIDR is greater than current network, subnet it, else supernet it.
if int(subnet) > int(network.prefixlen):
print("\033[0mSubneted Network Details:\n")
subnets = list(network.subnets(new_prefix=int(subnet)))
print(f"\033[0mNetmask: \033[36m{subnets[0].netmask}")
print(f"\033[0mWildcard Mask: \033[36m{subnets[0].hostmask}")
print(f"\033[0mCIDR Notation: \033[36m/{int(subnet)}")
print(f"\033[0mHosts per network: \033[36m{2 ** (32 - int(subnet)) - 2:,d}")

# if CIDR is 32, do not print subnets
if int(subnet) == 32:

print("\n\033[0m{:<15} | {:^31} | {:<15}".format(
"Network Address", "Host Range", "Broadcast Address"))
print("-" * 72)
for subnet in subnets:
host_range = list(subnet.hosts())
host_range = host_range if len(host_range) > 1 else [host_range[0], host_range[0]]
# print(host_range)
print("{:<24} | {:<22} - {:>24} | {:<24}".format(
f"\033[36m{subnet.network_address}\033[0m", f"\033[36m{host_range[0]}\033[0m",
f"\033[36m{host_range[-1]}\033[0m", f"\033[36m{subnet.broadcast_address}\033[0m"
print("\033[0mSuperneted Network Details:\n")
subnets = network.supernet(new_prefix=int(subnet))
print(f"\033[0mNetmask: \033[36m{subnets.netmask}")
print(f"\033[0mWildcard Mask: \033[36m{subnets.hostmask}")
print(f"\033[0mCIDR Notation: \033[36m/{int(subnet)}")
print(f"\033[0mHosts/Network: \033[36m{2 ** (32 - int(subnet)) - 2:,d}")

print("\n\033[0m{:<15} | {:^31} | {:<15}".format(
"Network Address", "Host Range", "Broadcast Address"))
print("-" * 72)
print("{:<24} | {:<22} - {:>24} | {:<24}".format(
f"\033[36m{subnets[0]}\033[0m", f"\033[36m{subnets[1]}\033[0m",
f"\033[36m{subnets[-2]}\033[0m", f"\033[36m{subnets.broadcast_address}\033[0m"

def main():
system("") # Fix for ANSI escape codes on Windows

print(" \033[36mMade by: Azam\033[0m")

args = parser.parse_args()

ip = None
if args.ip:
ip = args.ip
subnet = None
if args.subnet:
subnet = args.subnet

network = get_network(ip)
subnet = get_subnet(subnet)

calculate(network, subnet)

if __name__ == "__main__":

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