A Python-based automation bot for interacting with the DckChin API. This bot can perform daily sign-ins, open boxes, execute quacks, and complete tasks automatically using multiple accounts with proxy support.
What is dckchain?* Dckchin is the TON L2 powered by Arbitrum. Bringing Liquidity and users from EVM and Bitcoin ecosystem into TON : announcements
- Visit : https://t.me/DckChin_bot/
- Claim card id (enter)
- Click "Enter dck planet"*
- Click to Quack (Desible)
- Refer friend to get BOX
- Daily check-in feature to sign in.
- Opens all available boxes.
- Quacks multiple times with delay support.
- Completes available tasks.
- Proxy support for multiple accounts.
- Configurable through
Processing account 1 / 3
[2024-09-15 13:22:57] Duck name: Quacky123
[2024-09-15 13:22:57] Decibels: 45 | Box Amount: 1
[2024-09-15 13:22:57] Daily Check-in successfully
[2024-09-15 13:22:57] Box opened successfully!
[2024-09-15 13:22:57] Quantity: 1 | Points: 100 | Boxes left: 2
[2024-09-15 13:22:57] All boxes opened! No more boxes left.
[2024-09-15 13:22:57] Quack 1: SUCCESS | Result: Some random result
[2024-09-15 13:22:57] Decibel Change: 10 | Quack Times: 1
[2024-09-15 13:22:57] Task successfully completed! Reward 5 Points
Clone the Repository:
git clone https://github.com/nadirasaid8/duckchaihub.git.git cd duckchaihub
Create a virtual environment (optional but recommended)
python -m venv venv source venv/bin/activate # On Windows, use `venv\Scripts\activate`
Install Dependencies:
The bot uses Python 3 and requires some external libraries. You can install them using:
pip install -r requirements.txt
Create a config.json file in the project root directory:
"use_proxy": false,
"quack_delay": 2,
"quack_amount": 5,
"complete_task": false,
"account_delay": 5,
"countdown_loop": 3600
: Enable/disable proxy usage (true/false).quack_delay
: Time (in seconds) between quacks.quack_amount
: Number of quacks to perform per account.complete_task
: Enable/disable automatic task completion (true/false).account_delay
: Delay (in seconds) between processing each account.countdown_loop
: Time (in seconds) before restarting the bot cycle.
Add your DckChin account tokens to a file named data.txt
in the root directory. Each token should be on a new line.
If you enable proxy support in config.json
, create a proxies.txt
file in the root directory, containing a list of proxies, one per line.
Example (proxy format: username:password@host:port):
Run the script with:
python main.py
The bot will:
Load the accounts from data.txt
Process each account by fetching user info, performing daily sign-in, opening all boxes, executing quacks, and completing tasks (if enabled).
├── README.md # This file
├── config.json # Configuration file for bot settings
├── data.txt # File containing D*ckCh*in account tokens
├── proxies.txt # File containing proxy list (if applicable)
├── requirements.txt # Python dependencies
├── main.py # Main bot script
├── src/
│ ├── __init__.py #
│ ├── agent.py # User agent generation logic
│ ├── deeplchain.py # Logging and helper functions
└── .env # (Optional) Environment variables for sensitive information
This project is licensed under the MIT License
For questions or support, please contact [ https://t.me/DeeplChain ]