object based RPC handler extension.
implementations as provider classes- automatic parsing and conversion of input parameters and return values
- Session based callback implementations (from backend to frontend client)
- code generators from IDL (preferred solution protobuf-plugin) for:
- kotlin
- javascript
- cpp
- js client
- cpp client
For a complete example, look at the examples package. A very basic usage with the compiled protobuf source looks like this:
* The simplest usage of the RpcHandler extension
class ExampleService101 {
private var rpcHandler: IProtoRpcHandler
private val logger = LoggerFactory.getLogger(
private var appName: String = "ExampleService101"
val deepstreamClient: DeepstreamClient
constructor() {
val version =`package`.implementationVersion"Starting $appName v$version")
deepstreamClient = DeepstreamClient("localhost:6020")
// Standard login to deepstream client
// Retrieving the RpcHandler extension
rpcHandler = deepstreamClient.mappedRpcHandler(ClientMode.Provider)
// Register global providers and session providers from one call, session dependant providers will be redirected to SessionManager
rpcHandler.register(::GlobalDummyProviderImpl, ::GlobalDummyProvider2Impl, ::SessionDummyProviderImpl)
// print registered global endpoints
val global = rpcHandler as DefaultProtoRpcHandlerImpl
global.listProvidedMethods().forEach {
it.value.forEach {"Endpoint: $it")
// print registered session endpoints
rpcHandler.sessionProvider.listProvidedMethods().forEach {
val session = it.key
it.value.forEach {
it.value.forEach {"Endpoint: $it")
fun shutdown() {
// finish providing session
fun main(args: Array<String>) {
val service = ExampleService101()
The following classes in the above service are implementations of the generated interfaces from the protobuf definitions:
- GlobalDummyProviderImpl implements GlobalDummyProvider
- GlobalDummyProvider2Impl implements GlobalDummyProvider2
- SessionDummyProviderImpl implements SessionDummyProviderImpl
Now that the server is started and providing global and session endpoints as well, let's take a look at an example client, which would use these endpoints:
The following classes are generated from the protobuf definitions:
- GeneratedGlobalDummyProviderConsumer - a consumer implementation with all the methods of the GlobalDummyProvider interface
- GeneratedAllServiceConsumer - an all-in-one consumer providing access to all consumer implementations and through that to all methods
fun main(args: Array<String>) {
val deepstream = DeepstreamClient("localhost:6020")
try {
val rpcHandler = deepstream.mappedRpcHandler()
val session: DefaultSession? = rpcHandler.startSession()
// using the global providers without a session
val globalDummyProviderConsumer = GeneratedGlobalDummyProviderConsumer(deepstream)
val globalProviderOutput = globalDummyProviderConsumer.testMethod01(DummyProviderInput("global message input"))
val msg = globalProviderOutput?.msg
println("dummy global call responded: $msg")
if(session == null) {
println("failed to initialize session... but we still had globals")
// using the session
val serviceConsumer = GeneratedAllServiceConsumer(session!!, deepstream)
// make simple call
val dummyProviderOutput: DummyProviderOutput?
try {
dummyProviderOutput = serviceConsumer.generatedSessionDummyProvider.sessionScopeTestMethod01(DummyProviderInput("first message"))
println("dummy session call responded: " + dummyProviderOutput!!.msg)
} catch(e: Exception) {
println("failed to get dummy session response. Error=${e.message}")
// dummy wait
} catch(e: Exception) {
print("there was en error: ${e.message}")
} finally {