🟠 Once you have installed all what you need to set up the enviroment check the steps here, you can follow with the below instructions: 🍭 Activate type the following command (you have to be on your project root) //💡💡💡 source .env/bin/activate //💡💡💡 // like so: LESSON_16_OOP$ source .env/bin/activate output // the env is there, it means it works /LESSON_16_OOP$ source env/bin/activate (env) dci-st119@mycomputer: deactivate if you want to log out of the environment , type: deactivate //💡💡💡 (env) mycomputer:~ /LESSON_17_Virtual_Environment_and_pip$ deactivate //💡💡💡 🍊 Then EXIT type exit to close the terminal of the project where you have your environment (optional) // (env) mycomputer:~ /LESSON_17_Virtual_Environment_and_pip$ exit //✋