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Audioplayer Library


Audioplayer Library is an Android audio player library built on top of Media3 ExoPlayer. It offers default layouts for fullscreen and mini bottom screen players, as well as comprehensive audio control functionalities. The library allows users to pass a custom layout for a personalized experience.


  • Media3 ExoPlayer Integration: Utilizes Media3 ExoPlayer for seamless audio playback.
  • Default Layouts: Provides default layouts for fullscreen and mini bottom screen players.
  • Custom Layout Support: Allows users to pass a custom layout for a personalized player interface.
  • Audio Control Functions: Includes functions for play, pause, stop, seek, and more.


To use the Audioplayer Library in your Android project, add the following dependency to your root build.gradle file:

dependencyResolutionManagement {
		repositories {
			maven { url '' }

Implement library in your app level build.gradle:

dependencies {
	implementation 'com.github.nabin0:audio-player-library:Tag'

Implementing the library

  1. In your application create an Audioplayer object.(Audioplayer-library creates singleton Media3 instance under the hood so even if you create multiple Audioplayer instance there will be only one ExoPlayer object to create new one you should call Audioplayer.destroy())
	    audioPlayer = AudioPlayer(context)
        audioPlayer?.setPlaylist(your audio list)

        audioPlayer?.removeCallbacks() // Needs to be called if you are not creating singleton audioPlayer instance or using it as view in your application
  1. Use AudioPlayer as view in xml.Also use can use that view to store in variable and call Audioplayer methods
            app:layout_constraintTop_toBottomOf="@+id/customLayoutsSpinner" />

  1. If you want to set custom layout you need to follow some rules that id and view type should be same as used in default layout. here are the id viewtype and funciton of that view used in audioplayer library.
viewId view type function of view
albumImage AppCompatImageView it is used to show album art image
textAudioTitle TextView shows audio title
textArtist TextView shows audio artist
audioSeekBar SeekBar shows audio progress
textCurrentPosition TextView shows current progress value
textAudioDuration TextView shows total audio duration
previousButton AppCompatImageButton control to skip to previous audio
progressBar ProgressBar visible when buffering online audio
playButton AppCompatImageButton play audio
pauseButton AppCompatImageButton pause the current playing audio
nextButton AppCompatImageButton skip to next audio
playBackModeButton AppCompatImageButton no need to provide any drawable just set background to transparent color

  1. To destroy or release audioplayer resource call audioplayer.destroy()


Download the demo app here

Feel Free to use and update or have any suggestion drop an email here