This issue or pull request is an experiment for testing or development
This issue or pull request is dealing with a migration of services or resources
This issue or pull request needs feedback before continuing
This issue or pull request needs traging before continuing
This issue is currently being spiked or researched
This issue or pull request is trying to deal with technical dept in this codebase
This is a high-priority issue or pull reqest
This is a low-priority issue or pull request
This is a medium-priority issue or pull request
This is a normal-priority issue or pull request
This is currently on-hold for the forseeable
This pull request is a breaking change for the next release
A backgroup update to a package or application
A new feature is added with this pull request
A fix for a bug or identified issue with this pull request
Ignore this pull request in the changelog
An update to an existing feature is made with this pull request
This Issue or Pull Request is no longer valid or is not resolvable
Something is not working correctly
This pull request updates a dependency in a file or resource
Something is being deprecated prior to being removed
The subject of this Issue or Pull Request already exists
Adding or requesting a new feature
A refactoring of existing code
Need to resolve a change which introducted a regression
Something is being removed
Update as a result of an identified security issue
Update with changes to tool or service configuratons
Update with improvements to the documentation
Update with changes to the GitHub Action