from MacToManufacturer import MacToMan
macToManObj = MacToMan()
results = macToManObj.search("A8-93-4A-DA-6F-19")
You can also pass the macaddress seprated by ":"
from MacToManufacturer import MacToMan
macToManObj = MacToMan()
results = macToManObj.search("A8:93:4A:DA:6F:19")
pip3 install MacToManufacturer
This library contains csv file which contains the starting 3 octlets and the manufacturer. MacToMan searches through this csv file and returns the manufacturer.
Wireshark has a file which contains all the IEEE lists of mac addresses and manufacturers & more. The file is names manuf. There is a script named as generate_csv.py in script/, It downloads the latest manuf file and converts it to a csv file.