A final project made by Ellie Jensen and Niels Vanderloo for Bob Bosch's MATH 331 (Linear Optimization) in Fall 2022.
A linear program implemented with Gurobi to solve for the optimal city pairs for high speed rail in the United States. See included PDF of the paper optimizing_trains.pdf
describing the model we implement.
- Python
- Jupyter notebooks
- the Gurobi Python package
- installed with
python -m pip install gurobipy
- installed with
To run the analysis, first run the cells of the combinedStat.ipynb
notebook in order. Then run the optimize.py
is the number of miles in our travel demand calculation where travel demand no longer improves as$d < $ minDist
- This shows up in our model as
$T_{i, j}=\left(\frac{P_i^{0.8} \times P_j^{0.8}}{\max \left(d_{i, j}, {\tt minDist}\right)^2}\right)$
- This shows up in our model as
is the "budget" you have for building trackpenaltyAmt
is the amount you assign as a penalty in track miles to decrease your track "budget" for each new route you addperCity
is the maximum number of train routes that any given city can have
contains the latitude, longitude and Census population data of every combined statistical area in the united states- this is used in
to generate the other csv's used in theoptimize.py
- this is used in