Michael Yudelson, ACT, Inc., email
Paper persented at EC-TEL, 2019 in Delft, Netherlands, 16-19 September 2019
Elo is a rating schema used for tracking player level in individual and, sometimes, team sports, most notably – in chess. Also, it has found use in the area of tracking learner proficiency. Similar to the 1PL IRT (Rasch), Elo rating schema could be extended to serve the most demanding needs of learner skill tracking. Elo's advantage is that it has fewer parameters. However, the computational efficiency side of the search for the best-fitting values of these parameters is rarely discussed. In this paper, we are focusing on questions of implementing Elo and a gradient-based approach to find optimal values of its parameters. Also, we compare several variants of Elo to learning modeling approaches like Bayesian Knowledge Tracing. Our results show that the use of analytical gradients results in computational and, sometimes, statistical fit improvements on small and large datasets alike.
Repository contains the code that was used to write the paper. The data is not part of the repo but can be obtained from the links given below.
The following data tags are used throughout file names to denote datasets.
– Geometry Area (1996-97) data.ds392
– Geometry Area Study.a89
– KDD Cup 2010, Algebra Course 2008-209 from Carnegie Learning, Challenge Data Set A.b89
– KDD Cup 2010, Bridge to Algebra Course 2008-209 from Carnegie Learning , Challenge Data Set A.
Folder structure.
README.md – this file.
actnext-cdmx-elo-ilywytmyk.Rproj – RStudio project file.
– a central make file containing shell-script model-computing code for the data tag dataset. -
– compiled binary files. -
– source code and scripts.code/hmm
– HMM-scalable command line tool, cf. http://yudelson.info/hmm-scalable/.
– Source data – files downloaded from LearnSphere and KDD Cup 2010 go here. The data is not included with the repository. KDD Cup 2010 data can be obtained from http://pslcdatashop.org/KDDCup/ (registration required). LearnSphere data can be obtained from http://pslcdatashop.web.cmu.edu (registration required):ds76
https://pslcdatashop.web.cmu.edu/DatasetInfo?datasetId=76 is available automatically.ds392
https://pslcdatashop.web.cmu.edu/DatasetInfo?datasetId=392 requires approval of data owner.
– Files produced from the source data files. -
– Data dumps for restoring later in the middle of some computational process. -
– Modeling result files. We added a__to_compare
suffix to all model files so that you can verify your fitting results. -
– Prediction results. We have removed prediction results of the two larger datasets to conserve space. We have added a__to_compare
suffix to prediction files so that you can verify your fitting results. -
– Files with model-fitting accuracy are saved here. -
– Intended for temporary files