This is an open source project that developed by Alp Keskin and Davut Kulaksız within the scope of My Security Analytics 2021 Summer Internship Program which supervised by Çalgan Aygün.
This repository is the web part of this project.
Verifies the given email by checking these:
- Email Format
- Mailbox
Scans the web and checks if an email is registered to given social media sites:
Scans the given mailbox providers checks if an email uses one of these providers:
To learn more about the back-end part, check out the API Repository.
Figma is used to create design library which contains indivudual components, page designs and system relations.
Procreate is used by Karma Tülek to create the illustrations.
Storybook is used to improve sustainability of the project by putting the UI components in a isolated environment for documentation and testing.