- Python 3.6 (with pip3 installed)
- Pipenv virtual environment tool
- MongoDB (make sure a db is created for the project with the same name as the one given in the config file)
- cd to the
folder - (RUN
pipenv --three
to initialize a Python3 virtual environment - if it has not been created already - to use specific version egpipenv --python /usr/bin/python3
) - RUN
pipenv shell
(to activate the virtual environment) - RUN
pipenv install
(to install all requirements as mentioned in the PipFile) [- RUNpip freeze > requirements.txt
(to create a requirements file - optional)] - RUN
chmod u+x install_data.sh
(to make install_data.sh executable) - RUN
(to install wordnet data and the needed cltk corpora)
pipenv shell
(to enter the virtual environment) - RUN
chmod u+x bootstrap.sh
(to make bootstrap.sh executable) - RUN
(to run the project - default endpoint:
Check front end folder