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doc: format 2004 laws
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mykeels committed Oct 10, 2018
1 parent 9ae6f4e commit 7c9e92e
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Showing 462 changed files with 84,364 additions and 84,364 deletions.
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Expand Up @@ -1060,4 +1060,4 @@ No Subsidiary Legislation

## Reference

This document was obtained from [this Law Nigeria web page](
This document was obtained from [this Law Nigeria web page](
42 changes: 21 additions & 21 deletions 2004/
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Expand Up @@ -2,52 +2,52 @@


1.       Short Title etc.
1. Short Title etc.

2.       Authentication of Bills for assent
2. Authentication of Bills for assent

3.       Presentation of bills for assent
3. Presentation of bills for assent

4.       Classification and numbering of Acts
4. Classification and numbering of Acts

5.       Printing of Acts
5. Printing of Acts

6.       Evidence of Acts
6. Evidence of Acts


An Act to make provision for theauthentication and recording of Acts of NationalAssembly

1st dayofJanuary, 1962

1.    (1)   This Act may be cited as the ActsAuthentication Act.
1. (1) This Act may be cited as the ActsAuthentication Act.

(2)     This Act shall apply to all laws passed asAct by the National Assembly after the coming intooperation of this Act.
(2) This Act shall apply to all laws passed asAct by the National Assembly after the coming intooperation of this Act.

2.    (1)      TheClerkof the National Assembly shall forthwith afterenactment, prepare a copy of each Bill as passedby both Houses of the National Assembly embodyingall amendments agreed to, and shall endorse on theBill and sign a certificate that the copy has beenprepared as prescribed by this section and is atrue copy of that Bill.
2. (1) TheClerkof the National Assembly shall forthwith afterenactment, prepare a copy of each Bill as passedby both Houses of the National Assembly embodyingall amendments agreed to, and shall endorse on theBill and sign a certificate that the copy has beenprepared as prescribed by this section and is atrue copy of that Bill.

(2)       TheClerkof the National Assembly shall as from time totime directed by the Speaker of the House ofRepresentatives prepare a Schedule of Bills passedat any time during a session and intended to bepresented for assent; and shall certify on theSchedule that it is a true and correct record.
(2) TheClerkof the National Assembly shall as from time totime directed by the Speaker of the House ofRepresentatives prepare a Schedule of Bills passedat any time during a session and intended to bepresented for assent; and shall certify on theSchedule that it is a true and correct record.

(3)       TheScheduleshall set forth the long title of a Bill and asummary of its contents and the respective dateson which each Bill was passed by each house of theNational Assembly; and subject to the provisionsof this section, when signed by the Clerk of theNational Assembly, the certificate shall beconclusive for all purposes, and if a Bill in theSchedule is one to which section  54(5) of55(4) of the Constitution of the Federal Republicof Nigeria applies, the Schedule shall, inaddition, be endorsed with the prescribedcertificate of the Speaker of the House ofRepresentatives in respect of that Bill.
(3) TheScheduleshall set forth the long title of a Bill and asummary of its contents and the respective dateson which each Bill was passed by each house of theNational Assembly; and subject to the provisionsof this section, when signed by the Clerk of theNational Assembly, the certificate shall beconclusive for all purposes, and if a Bill in theSchedule is one to which section  54(5) of55(4) of the Constitution of the Federal Republicof Nigeria applies, the Schedule shall, inaddition, be endorsed with the prescribedcertificate of the Speaker of the House ofRepresentatives in respect of that Bill.

(4)       Nothinginthis section shall abrogate any specialrequirements prescribed for the entrenchedsections of the Constitution of the FederalRepublic of Nigeria, and any other certificateshall be endorsed and signed by the Clerk of theNational Assembly as directed by the Speaker ofthe House of Representatives, on the Bill beforethe preparation of the Schedule.
(4) Nothinginthis section shall abrogate any specialrequirements prescribed for the entrenchedsections of the Constitution of the FederalRepublic of Nigeria, and any other certificateshall be endorsed and signed by the Clerk of theNational Assembly as directed by the Speaker ofthe House of Representatives, on the Bill beforethe preparation of the Schedule.

3.     (1)     TheScheduleand copies of the Bills shall be presented to thePresident in duplicate, and if the President issatisfied, he shall cause the Schedule to bepassed under the public seal of the Federationafter affixing his signature to the Schedule; andunless otherwise prescribed an Act shall beassented to by the President.
3. (1) TheScheduleand copies of the Bills shall be presented to thePresident in duplicate, and if the President issatisfied, he shall cause the Schedule to bepassed under the public seal of the Federationafter affixing his signature to the Schedule; andunless otherwise prescribed an Act shall beassented to by the President.

(2)      A duplicate of the Schedule when passed and signedshall be returned to the Clerk of the NationalAssembly who shall cause a copy to be published inthe Federal Gazette; and the production of a copyof the Federal Gazette containing the Schedule aspublished shall be conclusive evidence for allpurposes.
(2) A duplicate of the Schedule when passed and signedshall be returned to the Clerk of the NationalAssembly who shall cause a copy to be published inthe Federal Gazette; and the production of a copyof the Federal Gazette containing the Schedule aspublished shall be conclusive evidence for allpurposes.

4.     (1)     TheClerkof the National Assembly shall in each yeardistinguish between Acts having applicationthroughout the Federation and Acts havingapplication only within the Federal Territory byassigning to them numbers consecutive in eachseries beginning in each year with the number one,and shall insert the date of commencement or, ifthe date of commencement is deferred, a referenceto the section.
4. (1) TheClerkof the National Assembly shall in each yeardistinguish between Acts having applicationthroughout the Federation and Acts havingapplication only within the Federal Territory byassigning to them numbers consecutive in eachseries beginning in each year with the number one,and shall insert the date of commencement or, ifthe date of commencement is deferred, a referenceto the section.

(2)       Thenumbersshall be assigned by the Clerk of the NationalAssembly forthwith upon thereturn to him of the duplicate Schedule asapproved and where necessary in a year the numbersalready assigned in printed copies of Acts may bealtered under the authority of this subsection oncertificate by the Clerk of the National Assemblyand if altered, a notice thereof shall bepublished in the Federal Gazette.
(2) Thenumbersshall be assigned by the Clerk of the NationalAssembly forthwith upon thereturn to him of the duplicate Schedule asapproved and where necessary in a year the numbersalready assigned in printed copies of Acts may bealtered under the authority of this subsection oncertificate by the Clerk of the National Assemblyand if altered, a notice thereof shall bepublished in the Federal Gazette.

5.    (1)      EveryActwhen numbered shall immediately be set up in farand legible type by the Government printer andhave endorsed on the back that it is published byauthority; and an impression in triplicate fromthe type set up shall be struck off by theGovernment Printing on vellum or on paper of anenduring quality.
5. (1) EveryActwhen numbered shall immediately be set up in farand legible type by the Government printer andhave endorsed on the back that it is published byauthority; and an impression in triplicate fromthe type set up shall be struck off by theGovernment Printing on vellum or on paper of anenduring quality.

(2)       TheClerkof the National Assembly shall retain one copy forhis records and deliver one copy to the Presidentand the other copy to the Chief Justice of Nigeriato be enrolled in the Supreme Court.
(2) TheClerkof the National Assembly shall retain one copy forhis records and deliver one copy to the Presidentand the other copy to the Chief Justice of Nigeriato be enrolled in the Supreme Court.

(3)       Allothercopies of the Act shall in the first instance beimpressions from the same form.
(3) Allothercopies of the Act shall in the first instance beimpressions from the same form.

6.       Every Act which purports to bepublished by authority and bears a number andreference to a year and a date of commencement orreference to a section shall be received in allCourts and by all persons as sufficient evidencethat it has been assented to in the President'sname.
6. Every Act which purports to bepublished by authority and bears a number andreference to a year and a date of commencement orreference to a section shall be received in allCourts and by all persons as sufficient evidencethat it has been assented to in the President'sname.

## Reference

This document was obtained from [this Law Nigeria web page](
This document was obtained from [this Law Nigeria web page](

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