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Innova-2 Flex XCKU15P XDMA PCIe DDR4 GPIO Demo

This is a simple Vivado 2021.2 starter project for the XCKU15P FPGA on the Innova-2 Flex SmartNIC (MNV303212A-ADLT) that implements a PCIe XDMA interface to DDR4 and BRAM, and a GPIO output to one of the LEDs. The other LED is connected to a divided down PCIe clock and blinks every couple of seconds if the XDMA block has an active clock output.

innova2_8gb_adlt_xdma_ddr4_demo is an update of this project for Vivado 2023.2.

innova2_4gb_adit_xdma_ddr4_demo is a version for the MNV303212A-ADAT and MNV303212A-ADIT.

innova2_xdma_demo is a simplified version without DDR4 that should work on all the Innova-2 variants: MNV303212A-ADLT, MNV303212A-ADAT, MNV303212A-ADIT, and MNV303611A-EDLT.

Refer to the innova2_flex_xcku15p_notes project for instructions on setting up an Innova-2 system with all drivers including Xilinx's PCIe XDMA Drivers.

Refer to this tutorial for detailed instructions on generating a similar project from scratch.

Block Diagram

Block Design

Table of Contents

Program the Design into the XCKU15P Configuration Memory

Refer to the innova2_flex_xcku15p_notes project's instructions on Loading a User Image. Binary Memory Configuration Bitstream Files are included in this project.

cd innova2_xcku15p_ddr4_bram_gpio
md5sum *bin
echo a07d4e9c498d6ff622a6ec00cb71ed0a should be md5sum of innova2_xcku15p_ddr4_bram_gpio_primary.bin
echo 1bca96206beb99a064d0dc7367b1f0e3 should be md5sum of innova2_xcku15p_ddr4_bram_gpio_secondary.bin

Testing the Design

After rebooting, the design should show up as RAM memory: Xilinx Corporation Device 9038. It shows up at PCIe Bus Address 03:00 for me.

lspci | grep -i Xilinx
sudo lspci  -s 03:00  -v
sudo lspci  -s 03:00  -vvv | grep "LnkCap\|LnkSta"

lspci Xilinx 9038

dmesg | grep -i xdma provides details on how Xilinx's PCIe XDMA driver has loaded.

dmesg xdma

The following memory map is used by the block design when communicating using the Xilinx XDMA Test programs from dma_ip_drivers.

Address Map Layout

Block Address (Hex) Size
DDR4 0x000000000 8G
DDR4 Control 0x200000000 1M
BRAM 0x200100000 8K
GPIO 0x200110000 64K

AXI BRAM Communication

The commands below generate 8kb of random data, then send it to a BRAM in the XCKU15P, then read it back and confirm the data is identical. Note h2c is Host-to-Card and c2h is Card-to-Host. The address of the BRAM is 0x200100000 as noted above.

cd ~/dma_ip_drivers/XDMA/linux-kernel/tools/
dd if=/dev/urandom bs=1 count=8192 of=TEST
sudo ./dma_to_device   --verbose --device /dev/xdma0_h2c_0 --address 0x200100000 --size 8192  -f    TEST
sudo ./dma_from_device --verbose --device /dev/xdma0_c2h_0 --address 0x200100000 --size 8192 --file RECV
sha256sum TEST RECV


AXI GPIO Control

User LED

The design includes an AXI GPIO block to control Pin A6, the D19 LED on the back of the Innova-2. The LED can be turned off by writing a 0x01 to the GPIO_DATA Register. Only a single bit is enabled in the port so excess bit writes are ignored. No direction control writes are necessary as the port is set up for output-only (the GPIO_TRI Direction Control Register is fixed at 0xffffffff).


The commands below should turn off then turn on the D19 LED. First, two one-byte files are created, a binary all-ones byte and a binary all-zeros byte. These are then sent to address 0x200110000, the GPIO_DATA Register. As only a single bit is enabled in the block design, reading from GPIO_DATA returns 0x00000001 when the LED is off and 0x00000000 when it is on.

cd ~/dma_ip_drivers/XDMA/linux-kernel/tools/
echo -n -e "\xff" >ff.bin   ;   od -A x -t x1z -v  ff.bin
echo -n -e "\x00" >00.bin   ;   od -A x -t x1z -v  00.bin
ls -l  ff.bin  00.bin
sudo ./dma_to_device   --verbose --device /dev/xdma0_h2c_0 --address 0x200110000 --size 1 -f     ff.bin
sudo ./dma_to_device   --verbose --device /dev/xdma0_h2c_0 --address 0x200110000 --size 1 -f     00.bin
sudo ./dma_from_device --verbose --device /dev/xdma0_c2h_0 --address 0x200110000 --size 8 --file RECV
od -A x -t x1z -v  RECV


DDR4 Communication and Throughput

Memory Management prevents data reads from uninitialized memory. DDR4 must first be written to before it can be read from.

Your system must have enough free memory to test DDR4 DMA transfers. Run free -m to determine how much RAM you have available and keep the amount of data to transfer below that. The commands below generate 512MB of random data then transfer it to and from the Innova-2. The address of the DDR4 is 0x0 as noted earlier.

The dd command is used to generate a file (of=DATA) from pseudo-random data (if=/dev/urandom). The value for Block Size (bs) will be multiplied by the value for count to produce the size in bytes of the output file. For example, 8192*65536=536870912=0x20000000=512MiB. Use a block size (bs=) that is a multiple of your drive's block size. df . informs you on which drive your current directory is located. dumpe2fs will tell you the drive's block size.

df .
sudo dumpe2fs /dev/sda3 | grep "Block size"

Determine SSD or Hard Drive Block Size

Note 128MiB = 134217728 = 0x8000000 which can be generated with dd using the bs=8192 count=16384 options.

To test the full 8GB of memory you can increment the address by the data size enough times that all 8Gib = 8589934592 = 0x200000000 has been tested.

If you have 8GB+ of free memory space, generate 8GB of random data with the dd command options bs=8192 count=1048576 and test the DDR4 in one go.

If checksums do not match, vbindiff DATA RECV can be used to determine differences between the sent and received data and the failing address locations.

Note that data is loaded from your system drive into memory then sent to the Innova-2 over PCIe DMA. Likewise it is loaded from the Innova-2's DDR4 into system RAM, then onto disk. The wall time of these functions can therefore be significantly longer than the DMA Memory-to-Memory over PCIe transfer time.

cd ~/dma_ip_drivers/XDMA/linux-kernel/tools/
free -m
dd  if=/dev/urandom  bs=8192  count=65536  of=DATA
sudo ./dma_to_device   --verbose --device /dev/xdma0_h2c_0 --address 0x0 --size 536870912  -f    DATA
sudo ./dma_from_device --verbose --device /dev/xdma0_c2h_0 --address 0x0 --size 536870912 --file RECV
sha256sum DATA RECV


Test DDR4 Correct Data Retention

Test the first 1GB = 1073741824 bytes of the DDR4 memory space using a binary all-zeros file.

cd ~/dma_ip_drivers/XDMA/linux-kernel/tools/
free -m
dd if=/dev/zero of=DATA bs=8192 count=131072
sudo ./dma_to_device   -v -d /dev/xdma0_h2c_0 --address 0x0 --size 1073741824 -f DATA
sudo ./dma_from_device -v -d /dev/xdma0_c2h_0 --address 0x0 --size 1073741824 -f RECV
md5sum DATA RECV

Test DDR4 With All-Zeros File

Test the first 1GB = 1073741824 bytes of the DDR4 memory space using a binary all-ones file.

cd ~/dma_ip_drivers/XDMA/linux-kernel/tools/
free -m
tr '\0' '\377' </dev/zero | dd of=DATA bs=8192 count=131072 iflag=fullblock
sudo ./dma_to_device   -v -d /dev/xdma0_h2c_0 --address 0x0 --size 1073741824 -f DATA
sudo ./dma_from_device -v -d /dev/xdma0_c2h_0 --address 0x0 --size 1073741824 -f RECV
md5sum DATA RECV

Test DDR4 With All-Ones File

DDR4 Communication Error

If you attempt to send data to the DDR4 address but get write file: Unknown error 512 it means DDR4 did not initialize properly or the AXI bus has encountered an error and stalled. Proceed to the Innova-2 DDR4 Troubleshooting project.

sudo ./dma_to_device --verbose --device /dev/xdma0_h2c_0 --address 0x0 --size 8192 -f TEST

Error 512

XDMA Performance

Xilinx's dma_ip_drivers include a simple performance measurement tool which tests at address 0x0 with a default transfer size of 32kb.

cd ~/dma_ip_drivers/XDMA/linux-kernel/tools/
sudo ./performance --device /dev/xdma0_h2c_0
sudo ./performance --device /dev/xdma0_c2h_0

XDMA dma_ip_drivers performance

Communication Methods

The XDMA Driver (Xilinx's dma_ip_drivers) creates read-only and write-only character device files, /dev/xdma0_h2c_0 and /dev/xdma0_c2h_0, that allow direct access to the FPGA design's AXI Bus. To read from an AXI Device at address 0x200110000 you would read from address 0x200110000 of the /dev/xdma0_c2h_0 (Card-to-Host) file. To write you would write to the appropriate address of /dev/xdma0_h2c_0 (Host-to-Card).

For example, to toggle the LED you can write to the appropriate address using dd. Note dd requires numbers in Base-10 so you can use printf to convert from the hex address.

echo -n -e "\x00" >00.bin  ;  xxd -b 00.bin
echo -n -e "\x01" >01.bin  ;  xxd -b 01.bin
printf "%d\n" 0x200110000
sudo dd if=00.bin of=/dev/xdma0_h2c_0 count=1 bs=1 seek=8591048704
sudo dd if=01.bin of=/dev/xdma0_h2c_0 count=1 bs=1 seek=8591048704

Toggle LED using dd

You can also read or write to the AXI BRAM Memory.

dd if=/dev/urandom bs=1 count=8192 of=TEST
printf "%d\n" 0x200100000
sudo dd if=TEST of=/dev/xdma0_h2c_0 count=1 bs=8192 seek=8590983168 oflag=seek_bytes
sudo dd if=/dev/xdma0_c2h_0 of=RECV count=1 bs=8192 skip=8590983168 iflag=skip_bytes
md5sum TEST RECV

Access AXI BRAM using dd

xdma_test.c is a simple C program that writes then reads to the given AXI Address which can be the DDR4 or BRAM and then toggles the LED.

gcc xdma_test.c -g -Wall -o xdma_test
sudo ./xdma_test /dev/xdma0_c2h_0 /dev/xdma0_h2c_0 0x200100000 0x200110000

xdma_test.c XDMA File Access

Recreating the Design in Vivado

Refer to Vivado XDMA DDR4 Tutorial for detailed notes on recreating a similar design starting with a blank project.

To recreate this design, run the source command from the main Vivado 2021.2 window. Only some versions of Vivado successfully implement this block design.

cd innova2_xcku15p_ddr4_bram_gpio
source innova2_xcku15p_ddr4_bram_gpio.tcl

Source Project Files

Click on Generate Bitstream.

Generate Bitstream

Synthesis and implementation should complete within an hour.

Synthesis and Implemetation Duration

Once the Bitstream is generated, run Write Memory Configuration File, select bin, mt25qu512_x1_x2_x4_x8, SPIx8, Load bitstream files, and a location and name for the output binary files. The bitstream will end up in the innova2_xcku15p_ddr4_bram_gpio/innova2_xcku15p_ddr4_bram_gpio.runs/impl_1 directory as design_1_wrapper.bit. Vivado will add the _primary.bin and _secondary.bin extensions as the Innova-2 uses dual MT25QU512 FLASH ICs in x8 for high speed programming.

Write Memory Configuration File

Proceed to Loading a User Image

Block Design Customization Options


The Innova-2's XCKU15P is wired for x8 PCIe at PCIe Block Location: X0Y2. It is capable of 8.0 GT/s Link Speed.

XDMA Basic Customizations

For this design I set the PCIe Base Class to Memory Controller and the Sub-Class to RAM.

XDMA PCIe ID Customizations

I disable the Configuration Management Interface.

XDMA Misc Customizations


The DDR4 is configured for a Memory Speed of 833ps = 1200MHz = 2400 MT/s Transfer Rate. The DDR4 reference clock is 9996ps = 100.04MHz. This project includes a custom part definition in innova2_ku15p_MT40A1G16.csv for the MT40A1G16.

DDR4 Basic Configuration

Data Mask and DBI is set to NO DM DBI WR RD which automatically enables ECC on a 72-Bit interface.

When is ECC Enabled

The Arbitration Scheme is set to Round Robin under AXI Options.

DDR4 AXI Configuration