Welcome! Here, I am working with some very basic encryption. This is a work in progress and, for now, is only compatible with Windows OS. Using a password, a user can easily encrypt their “notes” file after writing. Then, later, decrypt when desired in order to view/edit their notes. This is hiding information in plain sight. Eventually, this project will be merged with my folder locker so that an encrypted file can be stored in a "locked" directory/folder. Avoid personal use for I am releasing the encryption key and/or “cipher solution” in my code. When used, run the file called “RUN_ME.py”.
New Feature(10/4/2022): User(s) utilize a password that individualizes their encryption and therefore privacy.
New Feature(10/9/2022): Fully operable through a GUI and less typing input due to the pre-set GUI "buttons"
New Feature(9/1/2023): DISCOVERED PYTHON "Cryptography" MODULE. I should probably make use of this as my work thus far could be "cracked" by a simple brute force attack