This application demonstrates how to set up zipkin tracing in a spring boot kotlin app.
Full blog post: spring-cloud-zipkin
- The ability to run a kotlin application (IDE or CMD Line)
- Gradle
- Docker compose (docs)
The demo creates three containerized services.
A Zipkin server to receive tracing data and two mockserver api's to mock out downstream services.
To create and run the docker containers you can use:
docker-compose -f docker-compose.yml up -d
You can open up the relevant urls for the demo using:
Or just copy the links into your browser
BONUS: use apache bench mark to fill up zipkin with some spans
ab -n 500 -c 20 "http://localhost:8080/tax?name=michael"
And finally when you are finished you can clean your local env up using:
docker-compose -f docker-compose.yml down