Redux comes along with lots of boilerplace code which makes it really annoying. So, I implemented my own approach in order to have fun with it
There are some recursions that I wrote to handle immutability of Redux Store. (/src/utils/immutable.js) Based on this code, I only need to write a reducer for all actions (/src/store/root-reducer.js)
Here is how I use my action. Only need to point out a path, and it will automatically update at that place in store
set a value (new or existing) to a particular path provided
import { SET_DATA } from 'src/store/data-action';
const path = 'noteList';
export const updateNote = (id, text) => {
return SET_DATA({
_path: `${path}.${id}.task`,
_value: text,
Delete an item of an array or a field of an object (The recursion will detect itself)
import { REMOVE_DATA } from 'src/store/data-action';
const path = 'noteList';
export const deleteNote = (ids) => {
return REMOVE_DATA({
_path: path,
_value: ids,
Insert, Update data into an existing path. If it is an array, it will use concat. If it is an object, it will use Object.assign()
import { MERGE_DATA } from 'src/store/data-action';
const path = 'noteList';
export const addNote = (text) => {
const id = Math.ceil(new Date());
return MERGE_DATA({
_path: `${path}.${id}`,
_value: {
task: text,
There are also a lots of interesting features that I implemented in this boilerplace. Feel free to check it out.