Simplify the use of Google Play Billing Library (v7.1.1). Handles client connection, querying product details, owned purchases, different purchase types, acknowledging purchases, verify purchase signatures etc.
Make sure your Activity
implements BillingListener
and initializes BillingHelper
class MainActivity: AppCompatActivity(), BillingListener {
lateinit var billing: BillingHelper
override fun onCreate(savedInstanceState: Bundle?, persistentState: PersistableBundle?) {
super.onCreate(savedInstanceState, persistentState)
// Construct helper - by default, connection will be initialized immediately with product
// details and owned purchases queried. All events are reported via billingListener.
// At least one of productInAppPurchases or productSubscriptions is required.
// For more configuration options, check BillingHelper constructor parameters.
billing = BillingHelper(
context = this,
productInAppPurchases = listOf("inAppPurchaseProductName1", "inAppPurchaseProductName2"),
productSubscriptions = listOf("subscriptionProductName"),
billingListener = this
override fun onDestroy() {
// make sure to clean it up when you're done
override fun onBillingEvent(event: BillingEvent, message: String?) {
// receive an event based on calls to billing
Use any of its public methods or attributes, BillingHelper
will do all the heavy lifting and always report changes via BillingListener
fun consumePurchase(purchase: Purchase)
fun endClientConnection()
fun getPurchasesWithProductName(productName: String): List<Purchase>
fun getProductDetails(productName: String): ProductDetails?
fun isPurchased(productName: String): Boolean
fun launchPurchaseFlow(activity: Activity, productName: String)
fun initClientConnection(queryForProductDetailsOnConnected: Boolean, queryForOwnedPurchasesOnConected: Boolean)
fun initQueryOwnedPurchases()
fun initQueryProductDetails()
fun initQueryPurchaseHistoryRecords()
fun acknowledgePurchases(purchases: List<Purchase>)
fun isFeatureSupported(feature: String)
fun addBillingListener(listener: BillingListener)
fun removeBillingListener(listener: BillingListener)
var queryProductDetailsOnConnected: Boolean
var queryOwnedPurchasesOnConnected: Boolean
var queryPurchaseHistoryRecordsOnConnected: Boolean
var autoAcknowledgePurchases: Boolean
var enableLogging: Boolean
var billingClient: BillingClient
private set
val billingReady: Boolean
val connectionState: Int
var purchasesQueried: Boolean
private set
var productDetailsQueried: Boolean
private set
var purchaseHistoryRecordsQueried: Boolean
private set
var isConnectionFailure: Boolean
private set
val purchasesPresentable: Boolean
includes all of the things you might be interested in, served via BillingListener
enum class BillingEvent {
You can also make use of provided PriceUtil
object to format prices in various ways
// Get formatted price for a product
val formattedPrice = getProductDetails(yourProductName).getFormattedPrice() // "16.80 EUR"
val dividedPrice = getProductDetails(yourProductName).getFormattedPriceDivided(4) // "4.20 EUR"
Since library caches latest state of products and purchases as they are known to an instance based
on the data requested, it's suggested to rely on a single instance of BillingHelper in your app.
Otherwise you may need to check for the latest information before using the purchased items or
item details (manually handle the Optimistic Concurrency Control).
Make sure root build.gradle repositories include JitPack
allprojects {
repositories {
maven { url '' }
And BillingHelper dependency is added to app build.gradle
dependencies {
implementation "com.github.mvojtkovszky:BillingHelper:$latest_version"