911 Madagaar App is an Android Mobile Application built in Java, to report incidents which require immediate attention by Authorities (Police, Rescue Authorities).
This app was built with a basic idea to reduce fake and redundant calls received my emergency authorities which result waste of resources and energy. Also improve the response time for the real/authentic incidents. If any user tries to report fake incident he can be easily tracked down.
This is a really basic app and can/will be improved by adding many features such as Fingerprint Verification, messaging system between users and 911 Madadgaar agents, adding other languages, improving UI and adding more Admin controls for better management.
P.S This app was built with in 5 days. Logos were designed in Canva. UI is really basic, Lottie Animations were used to make the UI look better. The backend is powered by Google Firebase. Firestore is used for better data management. Proof (media) is also stored on Google Firestore. Google Firebase is also used for authentication (OTP) during Sign-Up and Login.
Can be viewed at: https://www.linkedin.com/in/muhammad-muzamil-dev/
APK + Documentation: https://drive.google.com/drive/folders/1IhvaBPJK8LJMBkh_vDxwzz8EW14t-fSo?usp=sharing (Admin ID: 12345, Admin Pin: 12345)