A Restful E-commerce shop API.
- Sign In ,Sign Up ,Sign Out with the help of JSON WEB TOKEN (Public key cryptography RSA -RS256- algorithm is used to sign and vaidate JWT Token)
- Access Token & Refresh Token Authentication.
- Role based Authorization.
- Customer can change their Password.
- Forgot Password -Customer can reset their Password Using Two Factor Authentication
Customer can get their profile.
Customer can Get their all addresses.
Customer can add and delete their addresses.
Customer can add and change their Avatar.
Customer can change their name.
Customer can change their phone number
Customer can Get their Wishlist.
Customer can add or remove products to their Wishlist.
Customer can get their cart.
Customer can add or remove product's to their cart.
Customer can get the list of their pending orders.
Customer can get their Purchase History.
Customer can get all the available products.
Customer can Search a product by Name.
Customer can Search a product by Category.
Customer can Find a list of products.
Customer can create a product review.
Customer can update and delete their product review.
Customer can Create an Order.
Customer can Cancel a Order.
Seller can create a product.
Seller can update and delete a product.
Seller can complete a pending Order.
Seller can get all the pending orders.
seller can get their monthly income.
Seller can get their stock status.
Seller can generate discount Token.
- Customer can pay their orders.
create a .env file and use the .env.example to add all the values
- NodeJS
Clone the repo
git clone https://github.com/muttaqin1/nodejs-Ecommarce-shop-rest-api
Install NPM packages
npm install
Add all the environment variables.
run npm run dev
- Email: mdmuttaqin20@gmail.com
- Facebook : https://www.facebook.com/Muttaqin01
- Project Link: https://github.com/muttaqin1/nodejs-Ecommarce-shop-rest-api