๐ Next.js 13 App Directory, Tailwind CSS and TypeScript โก๏ธ Made with developer experience first: Next.js, TypeScript, ESLint, Prettier, Husky, Lint-Staged, VSCode, PostCSS, Tailwind CSS.
Clone this project and use it to create your own Next.js project.
Developer experience first:
- ๐ฅ Next.js for Static Site Generator
- ๐จ Integrate with Tailwind CSS
- ๐ Type checking TypeScript
- โ Strict Mode for TypeScript and React 18
- โ๏ธ Linter with ESLint
- ๐ Code Formatter with Prettier
- ๐ฆ Husky for Git Hooks
- ๐ซ Lint-staged for running linters on Git staged files
Run the following command on your local environment:
git clone https://github.com/muthaiyanmani/nextjs-starter-template.git my-project-name
cd my-project-name
npm install
Then, you can run locally in development mode with live reload:
npm run dev
Open http://localhost:3000 with your favorite browser to see your project.
You can see the results locally in production mode with:
$ npm run build
$ npm run start