swf2js.js is a JavaScript FlashPlayer emulator that analyzes SWF files of Adobe Animate (Flash) in real time and converts them to HTML.
This version of swf2js is an adaption based on swf2js.js version 0.7.24 from https://github.com/ienaga/swf2js
swf2js.min.js is the minified version created with [Google Closure Compiler)(https://developers.google.com/closure/compiler).
Added support for sounds and soundstreams
- Sounds : mp3, raw (wave), ADPCM, NellyMoser.
- Soundstreams : mp3, raw (wave), ADPCM.
Warning : no support for Actionscript 3 which is introduced in Flash Player 9 (initially called 8.5).
Newer swf-files (version 9 and up) will probably still work, if you didn't useActionscript 3
If you have (or can find) Flash MX 2004 or Flash (Professional) 8, you can stil create sfw-files and use them with swf2js.js
Licenses for Adobe Flash can be found on https://helpx.adobe.com/en/x-productkb/policy-pricing/macromedia-legacy-activation-error.html
See https://github.com/swf2js/swf2js and https://swf2js.com/en/ for a commercial version that supports Actionscript 3.
<script type="text/javascript" src="swf2js.min.js"></script>
<script type="text/javascript">
swf2js.load('SET SWF PATH');
Option | Description |
tagId | Place swf-player in element with tag 'tagId' |
width | Set width of swf-player |
height | Set height of swf-player |
callback | Function to be called when swf-player has loaded the swf-file |
FlashVars | |
quality | Values: "low": 0.25, "medium": 0.8 (default), "high": 1.0 |
bgcolor | Set background color |
Example usage of options.
function informMe(arg) { alert("informMe : swf-file loaded"); }
swf2js.load('tiger.swf', {tagId: "swf_instance", width: "320", height: "320", callback : informMe, bgcolor: "black"});
To test with your own SWF-files, try testbed.html
- More than one swf-file in a page does not work properly.
- Obviously Adobe FlashPlayer knows the exact frame size, even if
bigger than the specified framesize in the header.
See examples : mogura and PlayPauseStop5 - Video (mp4 and flv) not supported.
See also https://swf2js.com/en/#skills for the differences between the free and the commercial version.
SWF FILE FORMAT SPECIFICATION VERSION 19 at https://www.adobe.com/content/dam/acom/en/devnet/pdf/swf-file-format-spec.pdf
This gives information on the internal format of swf-files, but no information how Adobe FlashPlayer uses (was using) it to display the content.