issues Search Results · repo:mukyasa/MMGooglePlayNewsStand language:Objective-C
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inmukyasa/MMGooglePlayNewsStand (press backspace or delete to remove)Hi i need to present this controller on a navigationController stack, i mean, show a navigation bar but when i change
this on the MMGooglePlayNewsStand Sample project, changing presentViewController to ...
- Opened on Jan 3, 2017
- #10
I have a problem. At DetailsViewController, when click back , viewcontroller duplicate menu scrollview. Image: Can you help me solve this problem? Thank you!
- 1
- Opened on Aug 27, 2016
- #9
I have a navigation controller how do use the original one and fade it the like the way you do in your view
- 1
- Opened on Jul 12, 2016
- #8
Would be nice to implement tableview and collectionview, like instagram profile screen
- 2
- Opened on Apr 25, 2016
- #7
I try to add EGORefreshTableHeaderView, button event UIScrollView of TableView conflict with NavBar, I cannot process
it, who can help me? :( Thank you very much.
- Opened on Mar 1, 2016
- #6
I have liked the UI and tried this project. Scroll header is not working in this project. Have to implement the code to
make it work? But the scroll delegate is calling. Can you guys please advice? ...
- 2
- Opened on Feb 22, 2016
- #5
I can t seem to figure out how to go straight to the playstand (to the list with all the news articles), and skip the
initial Click for Demo screen.
- 1
- Opened on Jan 5, 2016
- #4
Also I get this error :
Use of undeclared type scrolldelegateForYAxis
at this line :
@objc class MMPlayStandPageViewController:
UIViewController,UIScrollViewDelegate,scrolldelegateForYAxis,UIGestureRecognizerDelegate ...
- 8
- Opened on Dec 9, 2015
- #3
I am not sure what happened, but after editing the ViewController file and the NewsCell file, I am no longer able to
scroll past the second tab.
For example, if I have tabs: Sports, News, Columns, ...
- 5
- Opened on Nov 26, 2015
- #2
Hello friend,
How to show mini navigation bar if i scrolling up from bottom of list without scrolling up to the top.
Thank You
- 5
- Opened on Nov 16, 2015
- #1

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