The File Sharing App allow the user to Signup/Login & upload files from their device and protect them with a password. Sharing files is as simple as sharing a link, allowing others to access and download the file with ease.
- Login/Signup User Account
- File upload
- Password protection for files
- Sharing of file linkse
- Downloading of files using shared links
- Updating password for files
- Deleting files
- POST /user - signup
- POST /user/login - login
- POST /api/upload - upload file
- GET /api/get - get all files
- GET /api/get/id - get all details of a file
- DELETE /api/file/id - delete file
- PUT /api/file/id - modify file data
- POST /api/download/file/validate/id - check file password and download the file
- clone repo
- cd backend
- npm install
- node index.js
- clone repo
- cd frontend
- npm install
- npm start
- Mukul Jatav