Welcome to the Spark Toolbox! This mono repository is designed to house a collection of Spark-based applications that can be executed on both local and remote Spark clusters. Each application within this repository is independently dockerized, making it easy to deploy and manage across different environments. This repository is intended for use within our organization, providing a centralized location for all spark jobs.
- Intended to run on AWS EMR serverless
- Should be able to test on local as well as remote cluster
spark-submit --master local src/<APP>/main.py
spark-submit --packages org.apache.spark:spark-hive_2.12:3.1.2 your_script.py
docker build --build-arg job_name=<APP_NAME> -f src/Dockerfile -t <OPTIONAL_REPO_NAME>/<APP_NAME> .
docker run --rm <OPTIONAL_REPO_NAME>/<APP_NAME>