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python: use upstream Python dir detection #249

python: use upstream Python dir detection

python: use upstream Python dir detection #249

Workflow file for this run

name: CI
- master
name: Check C++ Formatting
runs-on: ubuntu-latest
- uses: actions/checkout@v4
- uses: gnuradio/clang-format-lint-action@v0.5-4
source: '.'
exclude: './python'
extensions: 'h,hpp,cpp,cc,'
name: Check Python Formatting
runs-on: ubuntu-latest
- uses: actions/checkout@v4
- uses: quentinguidee/pep8-action@v1
arguments: '--max-line-length=120 --ignore E265,E266,E402,E501,E704,E712,E713,E714,E711,E722,E741,W504,W605 --exclude *,docs/*,python/bindings/* --filename=*.py,iridium-extractor'
name: Ubuntu 22.04
runs-on: ubuntu-22.04
- uses: actions/checkout@v4
- name: Install GNU Radio
run: |
sudo apt update
sudo apt install gnuradio-dev cmake libsndfile1-dev
- name: Build
run: |
cmake -B build
cmake --build build
- name: Install
run: |
cd build
sudo make install
sudo ldconfig
- name: Unit Tests
run: |
cd build
make test
- name: Open SDR with gr-soapy
run: |
iridium-extractor examples/hackrf-soapy.conf 2>&1 | tee stderr-out
cat stderr-out | grep "RuntimeError: no hackrf device matches"
- name: Open SDR with gr-osmosdr
run: |
sudo apt install gr-osmosdr
iridium-extractor examples/hackrf-10msps.conf 2>&1 | tee stderr-out
cat stderr-out | grep "RuntimeError: Failed to use '0' as HackRF device index: not enough devices"
name: Ubuntu 20.04 + GNURadio PPA
runs-on: ubuntu-20.04
ppa: [gnuradio/gnuradio-releases, gnuradio/gnuradio-releases-3.9]
- uses: actions/checkout@v4
- name: Install GNURadio
run: |
sudo add-apt-repository ppa:${{matrix.ppa}}
sudo apt update
sudo apt install gnuradio-dev
sudo apt install cmake libsndfile-dev libspdlog-dev
sudo apt install pybind11-dev
- name: Build
run: |
cmake -B build
cmake --build build
- name: Install
run: |
cd build
sudo make install
sudo ldconfig
- name: Unit Tests
run: |
cd build
make test
- name: Demod PRBS15 SigMF
run: |
iridium-extractor test-data/prbs15-2M-20dB.sigmf-meta |grep ^RAW > prbs15-2M-20dB.bits
grep "RAW: prbs15-2M-20dB 0000599.9996 1622000000 N:32.12-80.05 I:00000000000 100% 0.13551 179 0011000000110000111100111000000000000011000000000000101000000000001111000000000010001000000000110011000000001010101000000011111111000000100000001000001100000011000010100000101000111100001111001000100010001011001100110011101010101010100111111111111101000000000000111000000000001001000000000011011000000000101101000000001110111000000010011001000000110101011000001011111101000011100000" prbs15-2M-20dB.bits
- name: Demod with decimation 4
run: |
iridium-extractor -D 4 test-data/prbs15-2M-20dB.sigmf-meta |grep ^RAW > prbs15-2M-20dB-D4.bits
grep "RAW: prbs15-2M-20dB 0000599.9996 1622000000 N:32.12-80.05 I:00000000000 100% 0.13577 179 0011000000110000111100111000000000000011000000000000101000000000001111000000000010001000000000110011000000001010101000000011111111000000100000001000001100000011000010100000101000111100001111001000100010001011001100110011101010101010100111111111111101000000000000111000000000001001000000000011011000000000101101000000001110111000000010011001000000110101011000001011111101000011100000" prbs15-2M-20dB-D4.bits
- name: Demod with decimation 8
run: |
iridium-extractor -D 8 test-data/prbs15-2M-20dB.sigmf-meta |grep ^RAW > prbs15-2M-20dB-D8.bits
grep "RAW: prbs15-2M-20dB 0000599.9996 1622000000 N:32.12-80.05 I:00000000000 100% 0.13643 179 0011000000110000111100111000000000000011000000000000101000000000001111000000000010001000000000110011000000001010101000000011111111000000100000001000001100000011000010100000101000111100001111001000100010001011001100110011101010101010100111111111111101000000000000111000000000001001000000000011011000000000101101000000001110111000000010011001000000110101011000001011111101000011100000" prbs15-2M-20dB-D8.bits
- name: Test raw samples
run: |
ln -s prbs15-2M-20dB.sigmf-data test-data/prbs15-2M-20dB.fc32
iridium-extractor --offline -c 1622000000 -r 2000000 -f float test-data/prbs15-2M-20dB.fc32 |grep ^RAW > prbs15-2M-20dB.bits.raw
cmp prbs15-2M-20dB.bits prbs15-2M-20dB.bits.raw
- name: Test SigMF Archive support
run: |
tar cf test-data/prbs15-2M-20dB.sigmf test-data/prbs15-2M-20dB.sigmf-*
iridium-extractor test-data/prbs15-2M-20dB.sigmf |grep ^RAW > prbs15-2M-20dB.bits.archive
cmp prbs15-2M-20dB.bits prbs15-2M-20dB.bits.archive
- name: Install gr-osmosdr
run: |
git clone
cd gr-osmosdr
cmake -B build
cmake --build build
cd build
sudo make install
sudo ldconfig
- name: Open SDR
run: |
iridium-extractor examples/hackrf-10msps.conf 2>&1 | tee stderr-out
cat stderr-out | grep "No supported devices found"
- name: Test Open SDR with soapy
run: |
iridium-extractor examples/hackrf-soapy.conf 2>&1 | tee stderr-out
cat stderr-out | grep "RuntimeError: no hackrf device matches"