- readme - clarify logging_level values by @bburns in mtconnect/cppagent_dev#231
- Revert nasm to conan center build by @wsobel in mtconnect/cppagent_dev#233
- Update schema version on device xml reload by @wsobel in mtconnect/cppagent_dev#235
- add ability to specify MqttClientId as its necessary for authentication by @jaxer in mtconnect/cppagent_dev#238
- Cpp agent mqtt sink by @rajwork9 in mtconnect/cppagent_dev#237
- Made username and password optional. Ran cla… by @wsobel in mtconnect/cppagent_dev#239
- Added test and verified use of assets when no device or type supplied by @wsobel in mtconnect/cppagent_dev#240