Many thanks to JetBrains for giving us the Open
Source License for free with the full access to their developer suite until September 2022.
PyCharm is an awesome Python IDE that
greatly simplified my work.
The aim of payShield2Syslog project is to gather the Audit log via the host command Q2, interpreter the response of the appliance and eventually send it to a syslog facility.
It requires Python 3. It was tested on Python 3.10
usage: [-h] [--port PORT] [--header HEADER] [--allentries] [--decode] [--times TIMES]
[--proto {tcp,udp,tls}] [--keyfile KEYFILE] [--crtfile CRTFILE] [--syslog SYSLOG]
[--syslogport SYSLOGPORT] [--syslogproto {udp,tcp}] host
host ip address or the hostname/fqdn of the payShield host port.
--times and --allentries are mutually exclusive.
--port specifies the host port, if omitted the default value 1500 is used.
--proto specifies the protocol to use, tcp, udp or tls, if omitted the default value is tcp is used.
If tls is used you might specify the path of the client key file and the certificate using the parameters --keyfile and --crtfile.
--keyfile the path of the client key file, if is not specified the default value is client.key.
It's only considered if the protocol is tls.
--crtfile the path of the client certificate file, if is not specified the default value is client.crt.
It's only considered if the protocol is tls.
--header the header string to prefix to the host command, if not specified the default value is HEAD.
--allentries when specified all log entries are retrieved. In case of errors it terminates. Use CTRL-C to terminate it prematurely.
--times how many times execute the test. If it is not specified the default value is 1 time.
--decode decodes the response of the payShield and, if a syslog facility is specified the message is sent to syslog.
--syslog ip address or the hostname/fqdn of the address of the syslog facility.
--syslogport The syslog port. If not specified the port is 514.
--syslogproto It can be tcp or udp. If not specified the default is udp.
C:>python.exe --decode
PayShield Audit Log utility, version 0.4.2, by Marco S. Zuppone - -
To get more info about the usage invoke it with the -h option
This software is open source and it is under the Affero AGPL 3.0 license
Iteration: 1 of 1
Return code: 00 No error
Command sent/received: Q2 ==> Q3
sent data (ASCII) : HEADQ2
sent data (HEX) : 0006484541445132
received data (ASCII): HEADQ3000000008E1228421409224F4ED0003030E33E14B46D6AE2270C57CD515A4C1BBF79ECAFAA60361A7D
received data (HEX) : 005848454144513330303030303030303845313232383432313430393232344634454430303033303330453333453134423436443641453232373043353743443531354134433142424637394543414641413630333631413744
Message length: 88
Header: HEAD
Command returned: Q3
Error returned: 00
Log Entry in Hex: 0000008E1228421409224F4ED0003030E33E14B46D6AE2270C57CD515A4C1BBF79ECAFAA60361A7D
Audit Counter: 142
Date: 12:28:42 14/09/2022
Action Code ON
Bit Mask 1101000000000000
Command code type: User Action
Not Archived
Unused: 000000000000
Response Error Code: 00
Audit Record MAC: E33E14B46D6AE227
Random MAC Key: 0C57CD515A4C1BBF79ECAFAA60361A7D
- The project is still in development stage and not all the functionalities are fully tested.
- For testing the Syslog functionality I used Kiwi Syslog on Windows 10 and worked fine.
- The messages are sent to syslog only if the parameter --decode is used.
- The entry that is sent to syslog has the following format:
- Audit Counter
- Date and time
- Action or Command Code
- Command code type:
- HOST: Host command
- CONS: Console command
- FRD: Fraud
- USER: User Action
- Record archive status:
- NOTA: Not Archived
- ARCH: Archived
- Record retrieve status:
- RETR: Retrieved
- NOTR: Not Retrieved
- Audit Record MAC
- Random MAC Key
- Example: 78 10:40:43 15/09/2022 73 USER NOTA RETV 48E98471284E57B9 1C7C62DC485953F912380B446566E211
Please refer to the LICENSE file that is part of this project. The license is AGPL 3.0
Copyright(C) 2023 Marco S. Zuppone - -
This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
it under the terms of the GNU Affero General Public License as
published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the
License, or any later version.
This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
GNU Affero General Public License for more details.
For any questions, feedback, suggestions, send money ('s a dream, I know) you can contact the author at