I’ve added a new unit test in the file: <ESMF_DIR>/src/Infrastructure/Mesh/tests/ESMF_MeshFileIOUTest.F90 This test is called test_create_mesh_from_SH_file() and all it does is call mesh create from file with the new flag ESMF_FILEFORMAT_SHAPEFILE this calls down through the layers to the new subroutine ESMCI_mesh_create_from_SHAPEFILE_file() in the file <ESMF_DIR>/src/Infrastructure/Mesh/src/ESMCI_Mesh_FileIO.C this is a good place to add the high level implementation of the mesh create code. You can see analogous code in ESMCI_mesh_create_from_ESMFMesh_file() in the same file. I also added a place to put the shapefile specific calls in the file ESMCI_SHAPEFILE_Util.C in the same directory. I added an example subroutine: get_example_from_SHAPEFILE_file() in there, just to make sure that all the compiling works. Feel free to get rid of that.
In order for ESMF to be built with the shapefile library I also added the environment variables to the ESMF build: ESMF_SHAPEFILE ESMF_SHAPEFILE_INCLUDE ESMF_SHAPEFILE_LIBPATH ESMF_SHAPEFILE_LIBS
I didn’t know anything about the library for the shapefile stuff so you will need to fill them in:
- ESMF_SHAPEFILE just needs to be defined to something (e.g. ON)
- ESMF_SHAPEFILE_LIBS is the name of the library e.g. -lshapelib ???
- ESMF_SHAPEFILE_INCLUDE is the path to the shapefile include file
- ESMF_SHAPEFILE_LIBPATH is the path to the shapfile library
I didn’t have the shapefile library built, so this might take a bit of experimenting, but it should be approximately correct. Making sure it works is probably a good place to start. Along these lines I didn’t know the name of the include file, so that’ll have to be changed around line 52 of ESMCI_SHAPEFILE_Util.C and line 40 of <ESMF_DIR>/src/Infrastructure/Mesh/include/ESMCI_SHAPEFILE_Util.h (in the place where it says #include<pio.h> replace pio.h with the shapefile one)
If you have more code that you want to add (or that you’ve added already) that you don’t think will fit in ESMCI_SHAPEFILE_Util.C, then we can add a new directory in <ESMF_DIR>/src/Infrastructure/IO (e.g. <ESMF_DIR>/src/Infrastructure/IO/SHAPEFILE )
The new unit test I added for this references the file data/test_shape.shp, this file doesn’t exist. You can change that name and add a new small test file into <ESMF_DIR>/src/Infrastructure/Mesh/tests/data . If in the test directory (<ESMF_DIR>/src/Infrastructure/Mesh/tests) you do: $ make RUN_ESMF_MeshFileIOUTestUNI it will copy the data and run all the tests in the file ESMF_MeshFileIOUTest.F90 The test will be run and the results will appear in the directory: <ESMF_DIR>/test/*/* Once you’ve done it once via the makefile you can then run the tests in that directory just by doing mpirun -np 1 ./ESMF_MeshFileIOUTest
I know that’s a lot of information, so feel free to ask lots of questions. I think once we get things moving it shouldn’t be hard to bring this capability in, but there might be some back and forth at the beginning just to get both of us on the same page.
features and elements need to be defined separately, since a feature may be decomposed into several elements.
Do we want to sync with a regular lat/lon grid so data are more likely to be on the PET where they’re needed?
ESMF_FieldRead() <ESMF_FieldPr.F90> – ESMF_IORead() <ESMF_IO.F90> – – c_ESMC_IORead() <ESMCI_IO_F.C> – – – (*ptr)->read() <ESMCI_IO.C> – – – – IO::read() <ESMCI_IO.C> – – – – – IO_Handler::arrayRead() <ESMCI_IO_Handler.C> – – – – – – PIO_Handler::arrayReadOneTileFile() <ESMCI_PIO_Handler.C> – – – – – – – PIOc_Read_Array() <pio_darray.c>
ESMF_FieldWrite() – ESMF_IOWrite() <ESMF_IO.F90> – – c_ESMC_IOWrite() <ESMCI_IO_F.C> – – – (*ptr)->write() <ESMCI_IO.C> – – – – IO::write() <ESMCI_IO.C> – – – – – IO_Handler::arrayWrite() <ESMCI_IO_Handler.C> – – – – – – PIO_Handler::arrayWriteOneTileFile() <ESMCI_PIO_Handler.C> – – – – – – – PIOc_write_darray() <pio_darray.c>
Will area (spatial extent) be conserved? e.g. if the GIS CRS is curvilinear, is the mapping in ESMF able to handle that? i.e. is ESMF mapping only planar?
Solution: add a transformation routine from->to. e.g. from ESMF planar to GIS curvilear, or vice versa
Sept 19, 2024: How to make the decomposition geographically coincident with the cube? Is that useful/more efficient?
is associated with a given subdivided polygon. The point is to allow for a data read/write to know what data to use when reading a field. e.g. if a multipolyon with index 20 has a field value of 10, an the multipolygon is broken into several polygons, each sub-polygon would have a reference index to multipolygon 20 so it could be given a field value of 10 (or otherwise scaled proportionally).
- the index needs to be a handle of type OGRFeatureH <- NOPE. Get Feature Index of type GBigInt
- It needs to happen in the meshgrid processing step
- Create a new file (if needed)
- add variable
- add data
Right now, we have to assume:
- Layer name
Proposed workflow:
- Call PIO all the way down to PIOc_write_darray_multi
- Use file->iodesc & file->hDS to determine if its GDAL
- If GDAL, call GDAL specific write routine (in pioc_gdal.c)
- Determine file type
- Get driver
- Define spatial reference w/ CRS
Legacy/ESMCI_MeshRead.C -> call to WriteVTKMesh() in ESMCI_VTKMesh.C
It may be that the global element connectivity vectors are actually local. How to do this in distributed envirnonment?
added some new files for testing, into the Mesh/tests/data/ folder
- esmf_3x3_mesh.shp and associated files: This is the 3x3 mesh described in the ref doc, and in test_sph_3x3_esmf.nc
- test_sph_3x3_fromshp.nc is the 3x3 mesh but the nodes are sequential, i.e. there are no shared edges. This is how the ESMF/GDAL interface reads the shapefile-equivalent from esmf_3x3_mesh.shp
- esmf_3x3_multimesh.shp and associated files: the same as esmf_3x3_mesh.shp but the two triangular elements are incorporated into one multipolygon element so that GDAL/ESMF has to parse an multipolygon
Several version of the ESMF_IO_GDALUTest.F90, each labeled ESMF_IO_GDALUTest.v_.F90, versions 1-5 the most recent version, v5, is linked to the file ESMF_IO_GDALUTest.F90 as a symlink.
v4: runs a test of the shapefile and NetCDF mesh generation and regrid routines using the same mesh. The shapefile is either esmf_3x3_mesh.shp or esmf_3x3_multimesh.shp The NetCDF file is test_sph_3x3_fromshp.nc.
v5: runs only a test of the shapefile mesh generation and regridding onto a cube grid. user can select the desired test shapefile by commenting/uncommenting the file.