This a project for my second assignment for Principles and Practice of Programming (Bournemouth University, 2017). I chose to make a particle system where I reset the value of the particle, everytime it dies. I made three different emitters: A snow emitter, a fire emitter and a waterfall "emitter" with splash effects. I generated all the emitters in a box; the box is a boundary for the particles. There are x-,y- and z-axes in the scene to help navigate through the scene with the camera I made.
ESC: escape the program
UP arrow: change your view to look up
DOWN arrow: change your view to look down
LEFT arrow: change your view to look left
RIGHT arrow: change your view to look right
w: move position of the camera (moves negative direction of the z-axis)
s : move position of the camera (moves positive direction of the z-axis)
a: move position of the camera (moves negative direction of the x-axis)
d : move position of the camera (moves positive direction of thex-axis)
r : resets the view to its default setting
p : pause and unpause the timer (animation)
m : makes the animation slowmotion (looks well when the scene is set to the WATERFALL setting)
SPACE : makes you blow on the fire ( direction z-axis )
f : applies a force, for example wind ( you can change the setting in the applyWind function (emitter) )
1 : WATERFALL scene
2: back to default scene
- OpenGL
- GLM (OpenGL Mathematics)
- SDL2
- C++11
- the timer is different for different systems: when you calculate deltatime in the timer you need to devide it by a number.
For linux it would be devided by 1000
For Mac it would be devided by 2500
(check the comments in the code for clarity)
[1] WILLIAM T. REEVES (1983). Particle Systems - A Technique for Modeling a Class of Fuzzy Objects. [online] pp.350-375. Available at: [Accessed 2017].
[2] Shiffman, D. (2012). The nature of code: Chapter 4. Particle Systems. [online] Available at: [Accessed 2017]
[3] Zhang, J., Angel, E., Alsing, P. and Munich, D. (n.d.). An Object-Oriented Particle System for Simulation and Visualization. [online] Available at: [Accessed 2017].
[4] Macey, J. (2017). Particle System. [online] Available at: [Accessed 2017]
[5] Ginman, V., Malmros, K. (n.d.). Visualization of smoke using particle systems. [online] Available at: [Accessed 2017]
[6] Bartek's coding blog, Bartlomiej Filipek. (2014). Flexible Particle System. [online] Available at: [Accessed 2017]