Tags: msfjarvis/compose-lobsters
- A brand new tablet-specific UI — Thanks [@ThanaReka](https://github… ….com/@ThanaReka) - Usernames of story authors are highlighted in comments - Add a workaround for rare crashes while loading SQLite with older devices - Fix comments page resetting collapsed state while scrolling - Images are cached for longer on disk - Navigation bar now renders a solid background on API levels 31 and below
- Opening posts you have previously seen will show the number of new … …comments since last visit - Saving posts no longer triggers a page refresh that invalidates scroll position - Change submitter text to 'authored' when applicable - Unread comments now have a brighter background rather than a text badge - Bottom navigation bar has been redesigned
- Bring back dividers between posts (I regret my earlier choices) - Upgrade to Compose May stable releases - Navigating to user profiles now works when invoked from the search results page - Fix occasional crashes due to the app incorrectly trying to open multiple database connections
- Upgrade to Compose April releases - Story items are now more compact so you can see more items on your screen. - Fixed a crash when clicking an item on the bottom navigation bar too quickly - Removed buggy deeplinks - Clicking a username now correctly navigates to the right page in-app