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-Subproject commit a8ef4bb3ae1f6f8a728aaa1f8a38d3106d84db13
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+# Academic Project Page Template
+This is an academic paper project page template.
+Example project pages built using this template are:
+- https://www.vision.huji.ac.il/deepsim/
+- https://www.vision.huji.ac.il/3d_ads/
+- https://www.vision.huji.ac.il/ssrl_ad/
+- https://www.vision.huji.ac.il/conffusion/
+## Start using the template
+To start using the template click on `Use this Template`.
+The template uses html for controlling the content and css for controlling the style.
+To edit the websites contents edit the `index.html` file. It contains different HTML "building blocks", use whichever ones you need and comment out the rest.
+**IMPORTANT!** Make sure to replace the `favicon.ico` under `static/images/` with one of your own, otherwise your favicon is going to be a dreambooth image of me.
+## Components
+- Teaser video
+- Images Carousel
+- Youtube embedding
+- Video Carousel
+- PDF Poster
+- Bibtex citation
+## Tips:
+- The `index.html` file contains comments instructing you what to replace, you should follow these comments.
+- The `meta` tags in the `index.html` file are used to provide metadata about your paper
+(e.g. helping search engine index the website, showing a preview image when sharing the website, etc.)
+- The resolution of images and videos can usually be around 1920-2048, there rarely a need for better resolution that take longer to load.
+- All the images and videos you use should be compressed to allow for fast loading of the website (and thus better indexing by search engines). For images, you can use [TinyPNG](https://tinypng.com), for videos you can need to find the tradeoff between size and quality.
+- When using large video files (larger than 10MB), it's better to use youtube for hosting the video as serving the video from the website can take time.
+- Using a tracker can help you analyze the traffic and see where users came from. [statcounter](https://statcounter.com) is a free, easy to use tracker that takes under 5 minutes to set up.
+- This project page can also be made into a github pages website.
+- Replace the favicon to one of your choosing (the default one is of the Hebrew University).
+- Suggestions, improvements and comments are welcome, simply open an issue or contact me. You can find my contact information at [https://pages.cs.huji.ac.il/eliahu-horwitz/](https://pages.cs.huji.ac.il/eliahu-horwitz/)
+## Acknowledgments
+Parts of this project page were adopted from the [Nerfies](https://nerfies.github.io/) page.
+## Website License
This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 4.0 International License.
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+ Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Proin ullamcorper tellus sed ante aliquam tempus. Etiam porttitor urna feugiat nibh elementum, et tempor dolor mattis. Donec accumsan enim augue, a vulputate nisi sodales sit amet. Proin bibendum ex eget mauris cursus euismod nec et nibh. Maecenas ac gravida ante, nec cursus dui. Vivamus purus nibh, placerat ac purus eget, sagittis vestibulum metus. Sed vestibulum bibendum lectus gravida commodo. Pellentesque auctor leo vitae sagittis suscipit. +
+BibTex Code Here