MuninRPC is a GUI client for RPC services.
- Send requests to a gRPC service.
- Upload your proto files, select a service, configure your message, and go.
- This is an early build. Development is in progress!
Built on the shoulders of giants:
- Inspired by Postman and BloomRPC.
- Powered by the protobuf.js and node-grpc libraries.
- Wrapped in Electron.
- Supports unary, server-push, client-push, and bi-directional requests.
- Keeps a record of your outgoing and incoming messages.
- Large proto file? No problem. Search your messages and services for what you need.
- Clean, beautiful, tabbed interface.
We have compiled binaries available:
Windows | Mac | Linux
MuninRPC can be compiled from source. It requires Node.js v4+ to run.
Install the dependencies and devDependencies and start the application.
$ cd MuninRPC
$ npm install
$ npm start
Start up a local grpc server for testing. A compatible sample proto file is included in "./__tests__/grpc-server/protos".
$ npm run grpcserver
Looking to contribute? You might be interested in our tests.
$ npm run test
Sterling Deng @sterlingdeng
Ray Yao @RocaRay
Ed Ryan @15ryane
Raven motif from Silver Spiral.
Check out our site!