Repository to reproduce the experiments in the paper "A Multi-level procedure for enhancing accuracy of machine learning algorithms"
If you are on Windows OS, make sure to save your python executable path in an evironnment variable as PYTHON36. Then, the python variable below should be replaced by %PYTHON36%. If you are on Linux OS, make sure to import your python exectuable path in your .bashrc as python3. Then, the python variable below should be replaced by python3. This is important for the section Ensemble training for the selection of the models hyperparameters
In the project folder, run:
The resulting plots will be stored in the folder Images
In the project folder, run:
The resulting plots will be stored in the folder Images
In the project folder, run:
The resulting plots will be stored in the folder Images
Ensemble training for the selection of the models hyperparameters (Neural Network and Gaussian Process Regressors)
Perform the ensemble training model of ( )
In the project folder, run:
python "keyword" "variable_name" "samples" "loss" "level_single" "level_c" "level_f" "selection_method" "validation_size" "string_norm" "scaler" "search_folder" "point" "cluster"
Once the training is complete, run:
python "keyword" "search_folder"
keyword: choose the problem of interest (Airfoil problem or Projectile Motion) and if the target of the ensemble training is the variable map or the detail:
- airf, for the selected observable at given grid resolution of the Airfoil Problem
- airf_diff, for the selected observable detail between two grid resolutions of the Airfoil Problem
- parab, for the selected observable at given grid resolution of the Projectile Motion Problem
- prab_diff, for the selected observable detail between two grid resolutions of the Airfoil Problem
! Note: to run airf and airf_diff or parab and parab_diff can be chosen indifferently for the airfoil and projectile motion problem.
variable_name: ame of the observables:
- x_max, for the Projectile Motion example
- Lift, for the Airfoil example
- Drag, for the Airfoil example
samples: number of training samples for the choice of the model hyperparameters
loss: loss function:
- mae, Mean Absolute Error
- mse, Mean Squared Error
level_single: resolution mesh to approximate the observable (the input will be ingored if keyword contains 'diff' ):
- One value between 0 and 4 for the Airfoil problem, 4 for the finest resolution, 0 for the coarsest
- One value between 0 and 6 for the Projectile Motion problem, 6 for the finest resolution, 0 for the coarsest
level_c: coarser mesh reoslution to approximate the detail (the input will be ingored if keyword does not contain "diff" )
- One value between 0 and 4 for the Airfoil problem, 4 for the finest resolution, 0 for the coarsest
- One value between 0 and 6 for the Projectile Motion problem, 6 for the finest resolution, 0 for the coarsest
level_f: finer mesh reoslution to approximate the detail (the input will be ingored if keyword does not contain "diff" )
- One value between 0 and 4 for the Airfoil problem, 4 for the finest resolution, 0 for the coarsest
- One value between 0 and 6 for the Projectile Motion problem, 6 for the finest resolution, 0 for the coarsest
! Note 1: **level_f** > **level_c**
! Note 2: if you perform the ensembel training for the selection of the hyperpaarmeter of the detail, assign in any case a value to level_single and if you perform the ensembel training for the selection of the hyperpaarmeter of the observable , assign in any case a value to level_c and level_f
selection_method: selection criterion for the best performin configuration:
- validation_loss: value of the loss function on the validation set
- train_loss: value of the loss function on the training set
- wasserstein_train: value of the Waserstain distance on the training set
validation_size: size of the validation set (value between 0 and 1).
- Give value 1 if selection_method=train_loss or selection_method=wasserstein_train
string_norm: choose if normalize the data or not
- true: normalize the data
- false: do not normalize the data
scaler: type of scaler for data normalization (if string_norm=false, this input will be ingored in the code)
- s: standard scaler (
- m: minmax scaler (
search_folder: name of the folder that will contain the folder corresponding to different confiugrations of the design parameters
point: class of points used to generate the data (For the airfoil problem only Sobol samples are available. Therefore, this input will be ignored if the airfoil problem is chosen.)
- sobol: low discrepansy sobol points
- random: unniformely distributed random points
cluster: option to run the code on LSF HPC (Euler ETH)
- true
- false
Set cluster==false if you do not have access to a LSF cluster
In the project folder, run:
python "keyword" "variable_name" "samples" "level_single" "level_c" "level_f" "validation_size" "string_norm" "scaler" "point"
In preparation..
- matplotlib 2.2.3
- numpy 1.15.4
- pandas 0.23.4
- scipy 1.1.0
- seaborn 0.9.0
- matplotlib 2.2.3
- numpy 1.15.4
- pandas 0.23.4
- scipy 1.1.0
- seaborn 0.9.0
- scikit-learn 0.21.2
- tensorflow 1.12.0
- keras 2.2.4